Bloodstock and JB's

did you get pictures at the signing tent?? you're so hard c0re kirsty at the front of the queue and all! :yuk: I would have come but I was so busy getting wasted in the beer tent :lol:

you know there are so many people moaning about how crap BOA was, made me very sad as I had such a great time...yeah the loos were crap and camping was tight but HEY it could have been worse you know?? they'll learn for next year to fix all those problems and itll be much better!

They were also moaning about the "kerrang" kids being around, which tbh, is a little petty, its very easy to just ignore them and go about your own business...i mean I find the emo kids a bit much but i just ignore them (and then take the piss out of them to myself when theyre not looking mwahaha) its that easy, so theres no cause for them to moan really...also, how do they expect the festival to grow unless they get those kinds of bands in?? poor festival promoters can't win either way!?

Regardless of some peoples whining I still have a super time :) ill be going back next year and yelling FIYERWAND until 3am again for sure :D
Han, I love you O_O

I think you said everything I wanted to say word for word how I would say it including that last bit about shouting FIYERWAAAND at 3am :D

Next year? I think so.

I had a fucking blast!

xx Kirsty
nooooooooooooo how could you miss kamelot!? Serenity are playing with them too and theyre pretty damn ACE!

kirsty we'll have some sort of bday celebration if you hang around london a little longer??
I was at BOA waving the greek flag with "FireWind" written on it!
Freaking awesome! Disappointed a bit not to see Apollo though...