Bloodstock Meet and Greet Yesterday


Voice of INTENSE
Sep 9, 2002
Was at Bloodstock yesterday doing PR for PPUK along with Jon and his better half Wendy. We had a stall there so we could chat with people and Spread the word about Prog Power though it seems like nearly everyone knew about it :D . It was a full on day and went very quickly fortunately i got to see a little bit of Seasons End, more of After Forever and a sizeable chunk of Within Tempation (*sighs*:) )anyhow it was fun wearing my 2 hats and talking Intense to a number of people and of course PPUK, here's a few i remember, our own Steve Brine (hung over) and Raf and Robin (not sure about that Carling boys :)), Lyndsey and his good lady (you're now on the staff mate), Kara (whom i still owe a beer ) and Lisa, Carole and her other half, Techs Scott and Adam (also now signed up for PPUK), the new guitarist in MR with whom we had Pizza (can't remember your name mate, but you were cool), John T and Lia, PMUK boys Glyn, Sol and Jono (and got to meet Bill for the first time), Liam, Karl and Chris from Metalism , Dave and David from Seasons End, Chrissie and Phil (Pagans Mind FC), d3athang3l and his good lady (from BS boards really need to know/remember your names), Johan and Dave from Rockers Digest, Richie and his mate from Norwich and everyone else who said "hello" basically .. .would be handy if everyone could wear badges lol :p as i'm shocking at remembering names....

Great day and well done to Vince and Co...