Bloodstock open air and Partysan


New Metal Member
Jul 2, 2006
Hey guys, jst wanted to say that i can fucking wait for yu to play Bloodstock and partysan.

i will be attending Bloodstock, the off to wacken and then all the way to partysan just to see you guys (im travelling from edinburgh Scotland) its gonna be fucking awesome, the nest band in metal at the moment by far, can i have a beer at partysan with you dudes. this is also me at 2am pissed out my head, came out good though.

is anyone else from here going to bloodstock Open air or PARTYSAN.
I'm going to Bloodstock mate, if you see a guy with dreads, a drinking horn and a HUGE Finnish flag (in honour of ENSIFERUM, TURISAS and STRATOVARIUS of course) then that is me! Come and say whats up.

By the way, are you by any chance from Battleheart?
bah, i'm going to partysan mainly because of other bands.. but turisas might be a nice break between all that other stuff then :-)
unfortunatly I have a gig of my own band that weekend, otherwise I would certainly be there... WATAIN, NIFELHEIM, DESTRÖYER 666, TURISAS!!!
im off to bloodstock in a few hours(only going for 3 bands and they are all on saturday, everything else can fuck right off).

have to wait till next year for my b.o.a, w.o.a and party san combo....lucky fuck.

son_of_northern_darkness said:
I'm going to Bloodstock mate, if you see a guy with dreads, a drinking horn and a HUGE Finnish flag (in honour of ENSIFERUM, TURISAS and STRATOVARIUS of course) then that is me! Come and say whats up.

By the way, are you by any chance from Battleheart?
The same guy that got his bawbag signed XD