Bloodstock review/photos now on Metal Discovery

Tad harsh? Thats bollocks. Mark you obviously high ridiculously high standards for newer thrash bands, if you're looking for something brand new and completely original in thrash nowadays then you're fucked - because you're not going to get it. Evile sound more original than most of the newer thrash bands out there, which is saying something.

Granted, I see your points but its still rather unfair.
cheers for the review and photos mark! dave a review is a review, it's not right or wrong, it's one persons opinion the same as yours the same as mine or the same as my mums....

lots of people have opinions on us, some hate us some like us some just don't care, thats just the way it is for any band when you put yourself out there.

haha but reading it though and with the benefit of hindsight, maybe the vagina shirt was a bad idea.

And we're not original no, we're doing 80's thrash, but again i'll use the argument "is every new band that comes out original?" is that the only thing nowadays that people need to be able to enjoy a band? it almost seems that way, if thats the way things were then we would all be listening to the same 10 bands.

So for those who are interested in originality, you may be pleased to know we're stepping away from the 80's with our new stuff, for our own sake, we're trying to do our own thing with thrash metal, be more musically intelligent with it. I'm not saying expect mind blowing originality, i'm not sure that can even exist anymore in metal, everyone is inspired by something that has come before them, i'm just saying we're trying to make what we do into our own thing and make it undoubtedly "ours" so you know its EVILE.

whether we succeed or not is upto everyone who hears it to decide. thats ages off though :goggly:
That review is crap, every band has been influenced by what has came before and so isnt original, there is nothing left really to do except make slight changes to what has came before, which is what im guessin ur new album is gonna be like
the vagina shirt im sure was done just for a laugh and a joke, an element i always think has been part of thrash
Anywayz im looking forward to thrash infused polka lol
cheers for the review and photos mark! dave a review is a review, it's not right or wrong, it's one persons opinion the same as yours the same as mine or the same as my mums....

lots of people have opinions on us, some hate us some like us some just don't care, thats just the way it is for any band when you put yourself out there.

haha but reading it though and with the benefit of hindsight, maybe the vagina shirt was a bad idea.

And we're not original no, we're doing 80's thrash, but again i'll use the argument "is every new band that comes out original?" is that the only thing nowadays that people need to be able to enjoy a band? it almost seems that way, if thats the way things were then we would all be listening to the same 10 bands.

So for those who are interested in originality, you may be pleased to know we're stepping away from the 80's with our new stuff, for our own sake, we're trying to do our own thing with thrash metal, be more musically intelligent with it. I'm not saying expect mind blowing originality, i'm not sure that can even exist anymore in metal, everyone is inspired by something that has come before them, i'm just saying we're trying to make what we do into our own thing and make it undoubtedly "ours" so you know its EVILE.

whether we succeed or not is upto everyone who hears it to decide. thats ages off though :goggly:

Hope my review didn't come across as too negative. As with all my reviews, I was just being honest and, as you say, it's just one person's opinion. I really enjoyed you guys - pretty flawless at what you do, but thought I had to make the point about being unoriginal (just in my opinion). And unoriginality isn't necessarily a negative criticism. The fact there's been a subgenre of metal called 'thrash' for many years means that there's gotta be something common with all the bands labelled as such. And the music Evile play is most certainly thrash and, in my opinion, a fine example of a contemporary thrash band. I'll definitely be checking the band out again in the future. Also cool to hear you'll be progressing your songwriting (as all good bands should do!).

Sorry if anyone on here found my review unfair, but reviewing or talking about music is a very subjective experience and, as Matt acknowledges, it's just one person's opinion. I'm sure there are bands I love that people on here will hate (and I would be defensive of!!).
Hope my review didn't come across as too negative. As with all my reviews, I was just being honest and, as you say, it's just one person's opinion. I really enjoyed you guys - pretty flawless at what you do, but thought I had to make the point about being unoriginal (just in my opinion). And unoriginality isn't necessarily a negative criticism. The fact there's been a subgenre of metal called 'thrash' for many years means that there's gotta be something common with all the bands labelled as such. And the music Evile play is most certainly thrash and, in my opinion, a fine example of a contemporary thrash band. I'll definitely be checking the band out again in the future. Also cool to hear you'll be progressing your songwriting (as all good bands should do!).

Sorry if anyone on here found my review unfair, but reviewing or talking about music is a very subjective experience and, as Matt acknowledges, it's just one person's opinion. I'm sure there are bands I love that people on here will hate (and I would be defensive of!!).

fair enough, i guess people opinions do vary
well i thought from the review it didnt sound like u enjoyed it that much,
also just a quick question are u based in lincoln itself?
Aye I'm all for that, I just find it unfair when people say a bands unoriginal - I mean, yeah opinions are fine (unless they're wrong LOL geddit?) but it just gets on my tits when....

... You know what forget it, I can't be bothered ranting tonight. I'm too sick haha, I'm just gonna go back to the pub in a bit :p

Beef curtains!
The review isnt altogether that bad. He says you maintained a cricle pit pretty long in the middle of the day? nuff said, the gig kicked ass.