blow chunks in style

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
83 :lol:

Has anyone ever been sick on a plane? I haven't. I don't think I've even seen anyone else throw up on a plane. Boats are worse for me, the sea sickness gets me going, but still no actual throw up.

I did puke on a bus once when I was a kid. We were on a school trip to France, and I just leaned over and let rip. I wasn't very popular that day.

Also, has anyone ever taken a shit in an elevator like Ozzy?
no i haven't seen anyone puke on a plane. my brother did once but i wasn't there. he also puked all over our grandparents in the car once when he was little. my grandpa was smoking cigars and it was making my brother sick :lol:
I've only vomited in light aircraft. Once on a Twin Otter and also once on a C-130. (okay, not quite light but it was doing low altitude search patterns and banking all the time)

People who get airsick on 747s and 737s are wimps.
actually, I think I could better attribute it to the fact that they were military aircraft with military pilots than the fact that they were light aircraft.
I don't think i've ever vomited on a plane

I'll puke all over a boat though, and have on many occasions, if I don't take any dramamine