blown speaker???


Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
is it worth trying to figure out how to work with a sine wave generator and test my cab speakers or am i better off taking it to a pro shop and having them check it out. i have a real good relationship with a local tech who services some of my amps time to time but i figure i could do it myself. never had a blown speaker but there is like this very weird tone and constant buzzing that is over whatever i play and i noticed while reamping.

speakers are v30s in mesa recto cab. i'll try to post a clip.
all you need to do is push gently on the speaker cone and if you hear noise then it's blown. By noise i mean you will hear the cone binding up in the coil slot on the magnet. hope that makes sense.
what he means is to pull your speaker out of the cabinet and then push on the cone so that it moves back and forth the same way the speaker creates sound. if you push on it and release it and continue to do this, if the speaker is blown, you will hear and feel scrathing then it is blown, if it moves smoothly without any scratching then it is fine.