
Me!!! Only really scratched the surface though. I am listening to Stevie Ray Vahguan at the moment.
ZZ top are good. Whitestripes are cool too.
Other than that don't think i have much.
My dad was really into it and used to play it a lot while I was growing up. I've got a few blues albums but I have to be in the right mood to listen to it.
Favorites include the following:
Muddy Waters
Albert King
Albert Collins- I have a album he did with two other blues guitar greats, Johnny Copeland and Robert Cray, called "Showdown" that has some awesome guitar playing.
John Lee Hooker
Johnny Winter - Drug use has ruined him and left him a shell of the man he once was, but go and listen to some of his early blues/rock albums. My favorite is Second Winter. He could play a mean slide guitar.
Stevie Ray Vaughan
Get some Eric Clapton, Jeff Healey and Stevie Winwood mate. Clapton and Healey are mindblowing!

I really dig everything Clapton did with Cream. Wheels of Fire is a great album. The only other Clapton album I own is "From the Cradle" and it is Clapton and his band doing modern versions of old blues classics. Good stuff. Forgot to mention George Thorogood in my previous post.
I have seen some blues players that could rip a hole in the ceiling with their playing. I started out with blues and it is fun you can always resort back to the original blues.

It's ok for a bit but boy, does it get old quickly... Watched a blues guitarist at the pub the other night, technically excellent but after 5 songs I really felt like I'd heard everything that blues has to offer. So the next 15 songs were pretty much the same thing over and over again.
John Lee Hooker, Blind Willie Johnson, Robert Johnson, Booker White all instantly come to mind.


And then whoever these fine gentlemen are

I'm all about the old school delta blues.
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this may sound familiar to some that watch tv...


Original recording from Robert Johnson, the blues master that sold his soul to the devil at the crossroads in exchange for great guitar abilities...tho there was a price he had to pay...
