Board Lethargy: Fly in Amber

my excuse is that I keep getting fuck over with work. I'm totally stretched waaaay too thin over here and now they want me to start working at 5am. fuck.
We've got a departmental meeting on friday and they're using me as an excuse to get free pizza. Other than that there's a few people trying to get me to bring in donuts but I keep saying that 2 months of employment does not warrant donuts. I hoping they'll leave me alone after work on Friday, cuz even if they don't I'm still just going home.
what are they gonna do if you don't bring donuts? fire you? muhahahah

as is, my regular start-work time is 6am which is fine. getting up around 3:30 to be here by 5 is not okay.
they're happy and ready to eat breakfast whenever I get up, doesn't matter. it's only a problem on the weekends, which are a concept they don't understand.
Yeah, but people suck. Especially when they are trying to act like they give a shit what I'm doing after I'm outta here. I fully expect to see everyone I'm currently working with one more time in my life ea. Max.