Bobby Jarzombek of Spastic ink

Bobby has LONG been one of my absolute favorites! My first vivid memory of being BLOWN away by him was on Riot's cover of Al DiMeola's Race With the Devil on a Spansih Highway. (on the Privilege if Power album, 1990?)

He is also on the following Riot albums:
Thundersteel (88?)
Priv. of Power
Shine On: Live
Sons of Society

His work on Spastic Ink is utterly mind-blowing, too bad it's such a flat sound. I heard it was recorded on a 4 that true?

Another recommendation:
Heavy Machinery (Jens & Anders Johansson w/Allan Holdsworth)
This is more jazz fusion than prog metal, but I don't think anyone mentioned that to Anders Johansson...his drumming it BALLS-OUT GONZO INSANE!!! and it also features some of the best guitar solos I've ever heard in my life!!!!

I haven't heard that much from him, but if you are into insane metal drumming, go for Meshuggah (the hell the drummers name, too swedish for my memory)