Bodom about to release new single

Originally posted by humus666
Anybody from Finland who will buy the single and send it to me? :)

This means a new album next year joy!

ME TOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
i also wanna have it that early!!! :-D how will we be able to get it??
WAWWWWWWWWW!!!! i WILL have it!!! i need someone that sends it to me!!! Pentetlesh, you wanna (please pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) make me a favor and buy one for me? I will send you the money man. Okay? :)
Hey Pentelesh I completelly forgot about you. I'll mail you later today. You can find all the info about the boots at my site.
This single should be available at Nuclear blast and otherwise you just go to a Finnish mailordercompany :) Or offcourse pentelesh or some other finn :p
Espoon järviltä noussut metalliyhtye Children Of Bodom julkaisee uuden 'You Better Off Dead' -singlensä 1.7. Samalla päättyy yhtyeen pitkäksi venähtänyt hiljaiselo. Single nauhoitetaan Astia-studiolla Lappeenrannassa ja sen miksaa metalliguru Mikko Karmila.

- Bodomeilla on viitisen uutta veisua tällä hetkellä. 'You Better Off Dead' -sinkun kakkosbiisiksi tulee ilmeisesti joku lainakappale, Spinefarm Recordsin Ewo Rytkönen kertoo.

Children Of Bodomin sopimusasiat ovat edelleen auki. Rytkösen mukaan "tilanne ratkeaa puoleen tai toiseen parin viikon sisällä."


Is the new single gonna be called "You Better Off Dead"?
Could somebody please translate this?
Originally posted by Pentelesh
Dammed, okey, price is 100 euros for a CD. That goes for every distributur :D
Woaah... You Finns are a sharp bunch... :cry:
Don't expect me to do you any favours anymore :p

Just kidding :D
Originally posted by Pentelesh
And everybody love's Pentelesh
In case you send me over the album as soon as it's released :D

Originally posted by Pentelesh
EDIT: Shit I really need to learn to write.
A good idea my friend :D
But I think it's way to late for that now... :p