bodom beach terror in finland tv

secret ahahah nah ill tell ya why
Spinefarm is shipping them out tomarrow to overseas customers... and I paid them to send it UPS express 2nd day airmail..... So I will get it quicker :)
If im not too lazy yes I will hehehe
I can explain what the songs sound like in detail... but thats about it a really suck at writing reviews
I say just a sample of 1 song becuase i dont want cob to get pissed with me ahahhahahahaha if I post samples of them all I may get in some deep shit hehe
we don't care, we wanna know how the songs sound like as soon as you get the cd... impressions after the first listening ;) :)

Btw i shud be getting the cd on 5th january more or less depending on how long will it take to my money to arrive to the finnish cd shop...
Originally posted by bodomite
or (mabye) I can post a sample of a song.... 1 song...

Someone said "Angels don't kill"?
Cuz I think that's gonna be the best bodom song ever... cannot wait to listen to it!