Body Count - Institutionalized (ST cover)

I fucking loved this record and this cover always brings me to tears from laughing. So good. Ice T is the real deal.
Thank you for this. I was never a fan of Body Count, but this was awesome and the whole album is really working for me today. Must be a mood thing! :)
I might have to check out this album. (My local library has it, believe it or not.) I unironically love the first album, but the next three are boring as hell. I know Ice brought in some ringers this time—Vince from Steel Prophet, Juan from Agent Steel, and Will from Laughing Colors—and maybe that's led to some more interesting music than before.
I saw Body Count in a small packed club around the time of Cop Killer and the musicians (particularly the drummer) were horrible…but this is fucking Gold!
I did not really like the BC version at all. While the original was not the most serious of songs, it still has a little social commentary that deals with the alienation of youth. While the remake comes of as "man, suburban living is so oppressive at times".:grin: