Body mods (piercings, tattoos, etc)

I'm clean as a whistle, no piercings or tattoos. I wouldn't mind a small tattoo at the bottom of my neck or having my left ear pierced but then again there's other stuff I'd rather spend my money on.
One tat, no piercings.

Thinking about getting another one. Something along the lines of Tournee du Chat Noir.
1 x ear ring (left ear)
1 x nose ring (left nostril)

Recently took out: 1 x eyebrow ring (left eyebrow)

That is all. I'd love to get a tat some day but I can't decide on anything I like enough to be able to look at it for the rest of my life without getting sick of it.
I have nothing either; although I am planning on getting a few tats.

My main problem is I don't trust the skills of people right off the bat, ESPECIALLY since the tattoo is something I created myself (and is quite complex).
I had my left ear pierced and a lipring in my bottom-right side of lip. Got rid of my ear ring because it got infected and I've been too lazy to replace. The lipring I got back in may, but had to remove for a job. :(

Very nice tat, scitzo... but I have a question for you, and anyone else that can answer;... why do so many females get those tattoos? "Butthats" really, haha. This time of year, just about any chick I walk behind... I can spot one.
I had my left ear pierced and a lipring in my bottom-right side of lip. Got rid of my ear ring because it got infected and I've been too lazy to replace. The lipring I got back in may, but had to remove for a job. :(

Very nice tat, scitzo... but I have a question for you, and anyone else that can answer;... why do so many females get those tattoos? "Butthats" really, haha. This time of year, just about any chick I walk behind... I can spot one.

I prefer the term "tramp stamp" :p And honesty I wanted to avoid getting a tat there it's so cliche, but after I decided on what tattoo to get it seemed the most fitting place. I like the symmetry.
i have 2 regular (for women i mean) ear piercing, and then one at the top of my left ear. I have already thought about getting some more but i dont think it would please my bf so much so i dont do it :).

For tats, i dont really want one, because its permanent, and i dont want to be stuck with something i dont like anymore after a few years. And i am quite afraid of needles. I can survive piercings but as many shots as you get with a tattoo is not a very enjoyable thought!
My rook piercing on my left ear:

My helix piercing on my right ear:

The tattoo on my right ankle. It's a celtic triskele and it symbolizes how life moves on in three parts: birth, life, death, and that the circle keeps repeating. I got it after my father died.
I have a stud in the top of my right ear. but until i get some money of my own i have to abide by the rules of school and mother, ive already planned my body map for when i move out though :p i want two get to librets, one above the other, and the same with two nose studs, and my bridge done. and a tat with "cuiden a los ninos" at the top of my back. and "zero" down my arm.
Well, if you really want to know how something looks on you - photoshop it into a picture. If you can't do a photoshop decently, ask somewhere (be it here or someone else you know). You'll not only get results, you'll get to see how it looks without having to 'try it on'.
I'm clean. I used to have my left ear pierced, but took it out because I was just tired of it, and I dont want to risk it getting torn out in soccer.

I'm never getting a tattoo. I dont want to get something inked on myself, and then realize a couple years later "I really wish I hadnt gotten that."