bodyworlds exhibition


Sep 17, 2001
[lower austria]

I read it was forbidden to take place in Munich (well, there's still a possibility that it will take place nontheless)

do you think this kind of exhibition is ethically not acceptable?

I would wanna see the exhibition if it was within my reach. not because of necrophile inclination (or so) but because out of sheer interest. I can't find anything immoral in this exhibition, it just shows humans in detail as humans are from the medicinal point of view....
(maybe I've overseen an important detail? )
Commies! They are everywhere. :mad:
well the government (Bavaria has a special status within Germany, it's the socalled "Free State of Bavaria" , and thus has some additional liberties in governmental issues; but don't ask me for details, I'm not from there ;) this was only to explain why in other german cities the exhibition could take place without any troubles ) says it's not acceptable from an ethical point of view, regarding the basic law of human dignity (the exhibition shows authentic corpses, split and cut to make all details of the human body visible; plus, a public autopsy is part of the exhibition too; - of course some deformations on the exhibited bodies/parts were necessary too, and some arrangement of the corpses as well, like dummies in a store-window; so it is to a certain degree provocative, no doubt )

the city of Munich referrs to the Bavarian law for burials, which says that a corpse must be buried 96 hours latest after the official declaration of exitus. exceptions are: if the corpse is needed for scientific or medicinal purposes; and exactly this point is why the government says "no" to the exhibition, because they see the exhibition as a macabre entertainment, lacking in respect towards human dignity, and not as a scientific exhibition or educational happening.
Argh, i'm totally pissed off by that. The point is, that people should decide for themselves whether they consider that exhibition as immoral, ethically unacceptable, or whatever, and then either visit it or not.