Boggy Depot

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Y'know, when this cd first came out I liked it quite a bit, but not as much as I liked Degradation Trip a few years later. Now I'm rediscovering it and I'm falling in love with it, almost for the first time. My favorite song would have to be Hurt a Long Time...gonna cover it. Should have about 10 AIC/Cantrell covers right about now...shooting for at least 12. Doing a 90's grunge cover band...20 or 25 songs total and about half that or maybe more will be Cantrell/AIC.

I'll save it for you
You save me from me
And the hole in my head I can see
Tell her I love her
Tell the kids that I loved them
Oh it's a bad dream, I've got only time

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Great album! Hah, I remember MS Painting that album cover for a "Guess the Album Cover" thread a long time ago :p
:lol: yeah and i think i was the one that got it right!

DW, are you gonna cover AiC's Bleed The Freak?

Already have, "mah" dear :). It's my drummer's favorite AIC song, and one of my favs as well. My lead guitarist will do the arpeggio at the beginning and during the bridge and I'll sing and play the leads during those parts while backing him up on the rhythm while singing the verses. For all the harmonies my drummer's gonna sing as well since he can do both.

Surprisingly, the most difficult song to sing out of all of them is actually Your Decision. It has like 3 or 4 vocal layers in it and if you don't sing all of them it doesn't sound that great. Cantrell has a naturally flat voice and seems to find the most difficult ranges to stay in tune with, especially since my voice isn't naturally flat. Gonna keep working on it though.

Looking for a bassist but we'll play live even without one if we don't find one in time, just cut some of the bass-heavy songs like Would? until we find one.

As of right now we've done:

Bleed the Freak
Your Decision
Check My Brain
Lesson Learned
What the Hell Have I
Real Thing
A Little Bitter
Man in the Box

Gonna also do Tyler and Quitter by Toadies and probably Say It Ain't So by Weezer. Also doing This is a Call by Foo Fighters off their first album, the only one I really like. As you can see there are different guitar tunings all over the place, and luckily I have 6 guitars. However, my guitarist only has 2 and the rest of mine are tuned for my other band in C, so they are useless to me for this band. Need two more guitars for the drop C# stuff like Them Bones and We Die Young. We've got one but I'm gonna need one as well. So all in all, acoustics included, we're using 8 guitars between the two of us. Luckily my drummer has an acoustic and an ESP Les Paul that we're borrowing to try and fill the gaps for now. We need fucking roadies just to do a single setlist in the practice room, but it's gonna be cool. I've always wanted to do a band like this, and honestly, I'm having more fun than I've ever had in any band before, even if it's just a cover band. But we're doing shit we love and not what other people love...we're a cover band playing our favorite songs of the 90's.

Currently working on:

Them Bones
We Die Young
Leave Me Alone (Cantrell solo...Cable Guy Soundtrack)
Hurt a Long Time (Cantrell solo)
Sweet! I've always said you have great taste in music, hehe.

Yeah A Little Bitter is epic as hell when we do it. My voice is more akin to Layne's than Jerry's but not a copy or anything. It's just more gritty like his and in the same timbre. I'm just singing that one, not playing so I can sing my ass off on "WHO...ARE YOU...WHO CAN SAY....IT'S OK TO LIVE THROUGH MEEEEEE...LIVE TO BE....PART OF MEHHHH....YOU'RE A WRINKLED MAGAZIIIIIINE YEEEAAAAHHH!!!!"

Oh by the way, I named the band Cletus. We're also thinking about doing Hey Man Nice Shot by Filter and a bunch more AIC like Down in a Hole, Rain When I Die, and Dirt. Also gonna do Fell on Black Days, Birth Ritual, and Ty Cobb by Soundgarden.