Bollocks to the 3 letter search function fail.


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
Ok, there are plenty of things I often need to search on this most excellent forum, and whenever I do lately, more often than not they are three fucken' letters long lol!

Anybody know a cunning way around this? Can ultimate metal please allow 3 letter word indexing? Im sure it wouldnt hit the DB that hard would it : )
I never realized how many awesome things are only three letters long... VAG TIT... EGG... WCW!!! but I digress....

YAHhhhhh BOOZEeeeeEE

EGGs suck!

It's hen's period.

Ovo in latin is egg... from ovo: Ovule, Ovulate, Ovulation...

Women's ovules that are not fecunded is the period.

Hen's ovules that are not fecunded are the eggs you eat, hen's period.
When fecunded by cockerels sperm, then you've got an egg with a chick.
with eggs you can make sweet cream, krapfen and cream hell yeah ;)