Boomy Guitars

i did not record the guitars. This are DI-Signals by jeffTD from another Thread.

but i used line6 podfarrm.

hm. i got no clipping ^^ .. ???

edit: u mean the clipping you can hear when only the guitar plays at the beginning?

for me it sounds extremly boomy. so i took out the lows.

"old link"

this is a new version with more balls. but i find no it is very boomy.
still clipping man, is there anything hitting the red on your guitar buss? but it's a step in the right direction. try adding some tapesim and a little compression.
I have to ask, what monitors are you using? Either your hearing is broke or you have rate shit monitors (if they are even monitors). I know from personal experience cheap hifi stereos make for horrible reference monitors, usually WAY overhype the low mids (making them seem boomy) and not enough of the middle mids (the 2.5K area). I would also have to ask if you are using a sub and what type of room are you mixing in (pics could help)?

Listening to the clip, your guitars have like NO bottom end what so ever. The Rose of Sharon backing tracks tend to make it sound like the guitars are really boomy and wooly however, its the bass guitar that is at fault. Still even for the RoS DI there is still a massive lack of low end which thanks to you cutting out the backing tracks for the first bit lets us here the guitars and by themselves, need a whole hell of a lot more lows, and a bit less mids. Either invest in some decent reference monitors if you haven't already or retrain your ears.
yeah thanks.

but i'm doing another track now ( drop A )

the problem is the 100 - 110 hz range . it is so boomy.

but when i take it out the guitar lacks balls extremly =/