Boost Pedals

The TS-7 IS a tube screamer in every sense, read the "Tube Screamers FAQ" in the Production Tips section to have all the answers to your questions.
Jesus fucking christ how many people are going to ask the same damn question...

A three hour wait before the first response, instead of a three second browse in the 'stickies' (where an extensive TS FAQ with gobs of technical detail as well as quick summed-up jabs for people who 'want to find out quickish') and maybe a thirty-second-long search of the entire Sneap forum with Google is QUICKISH?

First, that is not QUICK, that is LAZY. There IS a difference. Perhaps that would have been 'quickish' if we were still relying on the fucking pony express... but we aren't. You know that you're going to wait at least a couple of minutes at the best time imaginable. You know you can click and read links in a matter of moments. Please tell me you already know that three seconds is shorter than three hours; if you don't already know that asking is going to take longer than looking for other links, you have MUCH bigger problems than not being able to afford a guitar pedal. In fact, you could easily just go back to whoever your parents paid to teach you basic reasoning and demand your money back and pay for gear you'll clearly not know how to use right without a problem.

Second, this breaks a FUNDAMENTAL rule of useful forums - if a question has been answered, USE THAT ANSWER, and if your question is not something that is obviously not asked often, look for similar questions. When people have some new and unusual problem to solve, that is INTERESTING and ENLIGHTENING and WORTH CHECKING OUT and FUN. When people ask the same fucking question over and over without even looking for the answer on their own, that is LAZY and DISRESPECTFUL and BORING. One of these is a good thing to have on this forum, where you are going to find bored-out-of-their-fucking-minds audio engineers and mad scientists who come here to NOT BE BORED. The other brings about venting like this.

Third, you have CLEARLY not done ANY research on ANYTHING AT ALL regarding this subject. Any asshat can tell you what kind of circuit the TS7 has, and even many websites that SELL that pedal do. This is not Ask Fucking Jeeves. If you expect the most basic of information to be given to you just because you ask nicely and use smilies, you are not only wrong but about to be VERY unpopular. The people here, myself included (believe it or not), sincerely want to help... but there's a difference between helping someone who just doesn't understand a topic and someone who doesn't understand basic use of the Internet. It's like the difference between someone who has a headache and someone who is missing their head. You would do well to present yourself as someone who at least has a half-working brain... and, just as a little hint in case you're not good with subtlety, poor grammar and spelling while asking stupid questions is not going to be a good way of going about doing that.

Finally, as the fucker who wrote that TS FAQ, and a good number of other things explaining electronics to musicians, I write whatever I can to help other people who maybe aren't obsessive about mathematics and physics. I cannot, however, copy-and-paste a several-page article every time someone is too lazy and obnoxious to ask a stupid question. As someone who knows what FAQ stands for, I suggest you make a point of reading them, because your questions may have been asked before. In fact, if you're going to fail miserably at looking for ANYTHING on your own, chances are you'll never ask a question you can't answer with a FAQ.

For fuck's sake, is it that hard to display at least a little interest in not being a blathering idiot?

Finally, as the fucker who wrote that TS FAQ, and a good number of other things explaining electronics to musicians, I write whatever I can to help other people who maybe aren't obsessive about mathematics and physics. I cannot, however, copy-and-paste a several-page article every time someone is too lazy and obnoxious to ask a stupid question. As someone who knows what FAQ stands for, I suggest you make a point of reading them, because your questions may have been asked before. In fact, if you're going to fail miserably at looking for ANYTHING on your own, chances are you'll never ask a question you can't answer with a FAQ.

Much more timid than in the past, Jeff. Are you going soft on us???

Just kidding, man. You put in a lot of effort on that TS FAQ, and although I don't pretend to understand all of it, it is a great resource.
A three hour wait before the first response, instead of a three second browse in the 'stickies' (where an extensive TS FAQ with gobs of technical detail as well as quick summed-up jabs for people who 'want to find out quickish') and maybe a thirty-second-long search of the entire Sneap forum with Google is QUICKISH?

First, that is not QUICK, that is LAZY. There IS a difference. Perhaps that would have been 'quickish' if we were still relying on the fucking pony express... but we aren't. You know that you're going to wait at least a couple of minutes at the best time imaginable. You know you can click and read links in a matter of moments. Please tell me you already know that three seconds is shorter than three hours; if you don't already know that asking is going to take longer than looking for other links, you have MUCH bigger problems than not being able to afford a guitar pedal. In fact, you could easily just go back to whoever your parents paid to teach you basic reasoning and demand your money back and pay for gear you'll clearly not know how to use right without a problem.

Second, this breaks a FUNDAMENTAL rule of useful forums - if a question has been answered, USE THAT ANSWER, and if your question is not something that is obviously not asked often, look for similar questions. When people have some new and unusual problem to solve, that is INTERESTING and ENLIGHTENING and WORTH CHECKING OUT and FUN. When people ask the same fucking question over and over without even looking for the answer on their own, that is LAZY and DISRESPECTFUL and BORING. One of these is a good thing to have on this forum, where you are going to find bored-out-of-their-fucking-minds audio engineers and mad scientists who come here to NOT BE BORED. The other brings about venting like this.

Third, you have CLEARLY not done ANY research on ANYTHING AT ALL regarding this subject. Any asshat can tell you what kind of circuit the TS7 has, and even many websites that SELL that pedal do. This is not Ask Fucking Jeeves. If you expect the most basic of information to be given to you just because you ask nicely and use smilies, you are not only wrong but about to be VERY unpopular. The people here, myself included (believe it or not), sincerely want to help... but there's a difference between helping someone who just doesn't understand a topic and someone who doesn't understand basic use of the Internet. It's like the difference between someone who has a headache and someone who is missing their head. You would do well to present yourself as someone who at least has a half-working brain... and, just as a little hint in case you're not good with subtlety, poor grammar and spelling while asking stupid questions is not going to be a good way of going about doing that.

Finally, as the fucker who wrote that TS FAQ, and a good number of other things explaining electronics to musicians, I write whatever I can to help other people who maybe aren't obsessive about mathematics and physics. I cannot, however, copy-and-paste a several-page article every time someone is too lazy and obnoxious to ask a stupid question. As someone who knows what FAQ stands for, I suggest you make a point of reading them, because your questions may have been asked before. In fact, if you're going to fail miserably at looking for ANYTHING on your own, chances are you'll never ask a question you can't answer with a FAQ.

For fuck's sake, is it that hard to display at least a little interest in not being a blathering idiot?


dude your funny but i am dyslexic so gimme a fuckin break! geez cant even apologize round here haha
Can you explain to me why is that FAQ not in the equipment section ??????????????

(btw i'm reading it now ;) - i would do it long ago but i almost never look in that tips section because i'm mainly interested in equipment lol)
A three hour wait before the first response, instead of a three second browse in the 'stickies' (where an extensive TS FAQ with gobs of technical detail as well as quick summed-up jabs for people who 'want to find out quickish') and maybe a thirty-second-long search of the entire Sneap forum with Google is QUICKISH?

First, that is not QUICK, that is LAZY. There IS a difference. Perhaps that would have been 'quickish' if we were still relying on the fucking pony express... but we aren't. You know that you're going to wait at least a couple of minutes at the best time imaginable. You know you can click and read links in a matter of moments. Please tell me you already know that three seconds is shorter than three hours; if you don't already know that asking is going to take longer than looking for other links, you have MUCH bigger problems than not being able to afford a guitar pedal. In fact, you could easily just go back to whoever your parents paid to teach you basic reasoning and demand your money back and pay for gear you'll clearly not know how to use right without a problem.

Second, this breaks a FUNDAMENTAL rule of useful forums - if a question has been answered, USE THAT ANSWER, and if your question is not something that is obviously not asked often, look for similar questions. When people have some new and unusual problem to solve, that is INTERESTING and ENLIGHTENING and WORTH CHECKING OUT and FUN. When people ask the same fucking question over and over without even looking for the answer on their own, that is LAZY and DISRESPECTFUL and BORING. One of these is a good thing to have on this forum, where you are going to find bored-out-of-their-fucking-minds audio engineers and mad scientists who come here to NOT BE BORED. The other brings about venting like this.

Third, you have CLEARLY not done ANY research on ANYTHING AT ALL regarding this subject. Any asshat can tell you what kind of circuit the TS7 has, and even many websites that SELL that pedal do. This is not Ask Fucking Jeeves. If you expect the most basic of information to be given to you just because you ask nicely and use smilies, you are not only wrong but about to be VERY unpopular. The people here, myself included (believe it or not), sincerely want to help... but there's a difference between helping someone who just doesn't understand a topic and someone who doesn't understand basic use of the Internet. It's like the difference between someone who has a headache and someone who is missing their head. You would do well to present yourself as someone who at least has a half-working brain... and, just as a little hint in case you're not good with subtlety, poor grammar and spelling while asking stupid questions is not going to be a good way of going about doing that.

Finally, as the fucker who wrote that TS FAQ, and a good number of other things explaining electronics to musicians, I write whatever I can to help other people who maybe aren't obsessive about mathematics and physics. I cannot, however, copy-and-paste a several-page article every time someone is too lazy and obnoxious to ask a stupid question. As someone who knows what FAQ stands for, I suggest you make a point of reading them, because your questions may have been asked before. In fact, if you're going to fail miserably at looking for ANYTHING on your own, chances are you'll never ask a question you can't answer with a FAQ.

For fuck's sake, is it that hard to display at least a little interest in not being a blathering idiot?


Bit harsh you could have just posted a link and a comment about using the search function. Little bit over the top....
there's nothing better seeing someone write an entire dissertation where they bitch about people not looking to read their prior dissertation

the time you spent typing that could've totally been spent on something more productive

but i guess that can be said about most internet BB posting...
Right, because there's never ANY problem with people not doing basic searching on their own. I don't know if less than six minutes of typing counts as a dissertation, but when people come around expecting to not have to even think about what they're doing there will be problems.

Questions are answered for a reason, and if users start expecting to have everything handed to them on a silver platter the whole board will just get overloaded with the same question over and fucking over again. I'm sure you've been around forums a while, and I've been poking around technical and semi-technical forums since before AOL was the big fucking thing. I used Lynx, motherfuckers.

On top of being bad for the forum, questions like that are bad for the user who asks them. If they're given copy-and-paste answers, we have a crippled and retarded wiki and the whole place might as well just be a few pages on some random server out in Internetland. If, however, someone searches and looks at past discussions, which simply cannot be replicated or boiled down and are great resources on their own (like the Acoustic Drum recording FAQ, the many discussions about loudness, and all that sort of thing), they'll get much more in much less time.

If you push people to search and actually try to learn things from others, instead of just giving quick, boiled-down answers, everybody wins. There is simply no excuse for not using the information at hand. This is an amazing resource that doesn't cost the users anything at all, and it is a crime against everything just and worthwhile in the universe when it goes to waste because people don't know how to search.

On a more personal note, since I've been teaching and tutoring for about as long as I've been in school, I've dealt with more than a few people who would ask questions that were answered explicitly in either a written handout or a previous discussion. Whether they were too lazy to read, or were too busy daydreaming about tits, or whatthefuckever else, they completely neglected to use what they already had, wasted my time (both the time taken to answer and the time I originally took to discuss or write about something), and began to set themselves up for serious problems down the road. The ones I indulged rarely went on to do the rest of their math or science work well. The ones I chewed out improved much more quickly and got not only the ability but also the motivation to get better.

From personal experience, I can safely say that this IS for the better.

And Wyllie, feel free to ask me any questions to clarify this stuff... here, that thread, PM, instant messengers, whatever. If it's already in the FAQ, I'll be mildly annoyed, but if it's a new question or something that I hadn't explained well enough, it will more than likely make it into the FAQ.
