Bootlegging at PPXXXV (a satire & rant)


MetalHead & Engineer
Sep 20, 2004
Bootlegging at PPXXXV
A short satyrical essay on an inevitable reality.

Person A: "Dude, progpower was fantabulous this weekend."

Person B: "I know it, man! Can you believe they freakin' cloned Ronnie James Dio just to headline the show? That was well worth breaking the international anti-cloning laws! They could have gotten a better sponsor than Carson Daly's Fountain-o-Youth nipple cream, though."

Person A: "I agree, it only gave me hives."

Person B: "That's why they have the 'not to be taken internally' warning on it."

Person A: "Oh. Whoops. Anyway, I totally recorded the entire show!"

Person B: "No freakin' way! Grampa Glenn had Spy Sentinels everywhere filtering out all full motion streams all digital handhelds. How did you do that?"

Person A: "Well I finally got that upgrade I was telling you about. Full 256 Petabyte quantum ocular neural receptor storage with Dolby(tm) 4.0 Sensory Surround. That's right, Sight, Sound, Touch and Taste! I didn't have enough for the 5.0 with Smell, but dang, some of the geriatric ointment the original progpower fans use was just rank as hell, so that's ok!"

Person B: "Sweet jeebus! So it recorded it directly to your brain without the hand held digi's, huh? Now that's thinkin'!"

Person A: "Yeah, just go ahead and IM me on my secure mental channel and I'll start the transfer."

Person B: "Um, it's not working."

Person A: "You have to open your firewall, allow forward port allocation, invert the interferometry setting, access the central mainframe, and pop the zits around your cerebral connection jack. Sheesh, it's not that hard."

Person B: "Got it. SWEET! That's so awesome man, I can't believe you got all this! Though I have no clue why you licked that ashtray you found on the floor, nasty!"

Person A: "Had to make sure all the Sensory Surround was working! Anyway, I'm off to eBay to sell this, I should be able to make a killing off it!"

Person B: "Maybe cut out that part where you forgot to turn off in the bathroom, nobody likes a crappy bootleg..."


As we look forward into our future, we can be fairly certain that technology will advance exponentially. Perhaps even more so as our understanding of the human brain and body increases. This should be regarded as a wonderful thing! For it is my firm belief that the duty of every person is to help each other as a communal whole, be it the scientists that create medicines to cure disease, the physicists that bring enlightenment to the understanding of how the universe operates, or the fantastic musicians that create gorgeous melodies to satiate an otherwise mechanical existence.

And really, the definition of technological advance is to create a contemporary new way of accomplishing a task that can overcome obstacles of or refine the processes of existing, traditional tasks. An example might be global communication: a century or two (or more) ago, to communicate globally one had to traverse the land, then came readable print that could be distributed, then the telegraph, then telephony, and now we have virtual instant communication via the internet and cell phones... all this overcame the time and space obstacle, and refined the quality/quantity of information sent and received. (though I believe marketing abuse is a BAD thing!)

Another way of thinking of "technological advance" is to simply do something thought to be very hard or impossible. Such as cracking a cryptographic code, accurately forecasting weather, or bypassing copy protection. And almost always, this is the most motivated of the advancements, since it not only requires knowledge on the subject, but has the potential for greater "fame" since many people are exposed to things like weather and copy protection, as opposed to more obscure things. (Think about it, how many of you would rather see an accurate forecast for a week's weather instead of finding ways to observe the as-of-yet undiscovered Graviton particles that carry the gravitational force? :) )
And by this notion, the "hacker" type is usually ahead of the game and will think of ingenious ways to stay there. No matter what is actually banned for people to take to the progpower show, or what security technological advances come about, there is only the dimension of time until a new form of "hacking" introduces itself as the new "threat."

I am an engineer and I love working on things that are highly advanced and am very proud to be able to do what I do (albeit avionics, and not consumer electronics :) ). And I love to hack! The term was coined over half a century ago by MIT students, and it basically meant "to do a new something to an existing something that nobody would expect, or thought could be done" ... like using the room lights on a high rise building to create a game of Tetris! A real hacker does it for the sake of learning/understanding or to make things funner, easier, or better for him/herself. Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, and basically any famous inventor or scientist could be considered a hacker! But in today's society, a hacker's creations can quickly become common knowledge, and people who have no idea of the skill needed to make the technology OR to hack a given technology can reap undeserving benefits from it; such as cracking copy protection on movies or sneaking in high tech surveillance equipment to get a bootleg of a concert.

Whether you condone "hacking" or not, it may or may not be illegal to do such things, but law and morals are far from the same! LEARNING IS NEVER IMMORAL if noone gets damaged! And even though "reverse engineering" and cracking cryptographic processes are 'illegal' in almost any case, the skills of people that are proficient with it are HIGHLY sought after. But in no way is using someone elses hard work for personal benefit (be it copying mass quantities of movies, plagiarising someone elses scripts, or selling bootlegged concert vids!) considered moral or respectable.

Every year Glenn is going to struggle to keep up with such things, and certainly at the risk of lowering the morale of many fest-goers. But, to me, it always has been that ProgPower was such an amazing fest not only because of the great music and beer, but because it is such an unfathomably intimate and respectful atmosphere. Never is anybody so obnoxious that they have to be forcefully tossed out by security (that I've ever seen). Never do fights break out (well, I get into shove and slap fights with friends when they don't let me buy them beer, but it's all in good nature). And despite there being a rather wide range of metal lovers there, everybody tends to respect everybody (at least to their face).

So then, is it illegal to record video? Depending on what you plan on doing with it, that might be a sticky subject; but it is certainly AGAINST THE RULES of ProgPower. Would it be immoral to "hack" such an event, if only just for learning purposes? In this case, ABSOLUTELY! While even though it won't physically harm anyone, it damages the magnificent hospitality, pragmantic respect, and intimate loyalty of Glenn and the vast majority of patrons. As well as the Gold Badge issue; it might be entertaining to try and bypass security at a large facility that lacks the respect of real metalheads, if only for self-serving purposes. But there is no point to doing it at a fest that is so light on security only because people are mature enough to abide by extremely reasonable and priveliged guidelines.

I don't dare pledge my own innocence throughout my life, as everyone will make bad decisions... willingly or not. But I would like to think I am capable of showing the bands, the patrons and the prime instigator the respect they deserve by observing their rules!

Hopefully you enjoyed my rant, or at least the hypothetical dialogue preceding the rant, because I bet most of you got bored after that. o_O
I totally understand part of your point. Part of what makes me go and spend 100 on a PP ticket is because I know i will get to meet musicians I'd never meet otherwise, AND because I can take pictures of bands and their members. I won't lie that I am a little bummed out that Glenn will not allow digital cameras since, like you say, that is the way of the future. But I will also say this: we are playing by Glenn's rules, he has allowed many freedoms we might not otherwise have in other similar festivals and/or concerts, but some people have to take advantage of this and in a worst case scenario, try to make money out of it.

I am pretty sure that this "concert taping" has been happening since PPI but what really pissed Glenn off was finding HIS baby for sale on Ebay. That is just wrong and I totally understand where he is coming from.

I am trying to think of a way we can find a happy medium on this issue, I bet Glenn would reconsider if a good alternative is found(well, I don't know him personally, but he looks like a rational guy), so basically instead of ranting, bitching, and moaning, lets use this "knowledge" that you speak of to find a way around this, then maybe we won't all have to leave our cameras at home next year..:yell:

That's my 2 cents.:p
I know the whole "bootleg" thing is getting beaten to death like a dog, and everybody has his/her opinions on the subject. But as MetalRose was saying in a different thread, whether it's legal or not, this is a RESPECT issue. It isn't illegal to pee all over the toilet seat, but I sure as hell hope you (being anybody) would respect your friends enough not to piss all over theirs'!

Unfortunately, abusing the kindness of others is not an alien trait to humankind, and it is inevitable that in order to keep the show the way Glenn likes it, he has to tweak certain privileges to moderate that while keeping costs as low as possible. In such a scenario that might give more prvileges back to the fest-goers, people might offer to volunteer help. For example, surely Glenn can't take the time to watch everyone and learn about all the new technology, but I'm a pretty technology savvy type, and could do this in his stead. Or do something like NO memory cards greater than 256MB--where a 5MP camera could still get 80-120 pictures, but even on the crappiest resolution, only about 3 minutes of video.

I'd be willing to offer my help where ever possible, and I'm sure many of the die hard ProgPower-ers would too.

and by the way, TBJ, your signature quote is freakin hilarious in that "nothing is funnier than the truth" kind of way :D
Curufin said:
Jesus tittyfucking christ you have too much free time.

It comes from years of writing logical discussions on theoretical topics :p
If I know the subject well enough, or have enough prep time (say a day of reading the bootlegging topics on the forum), I could almost verbally rant this. Just that my speech is always slurred :dopey:

The difficult part is coming up with "typical teenage dialogue" from 30 years in the future :p

However, AngraRULES, Bryan's post is 10x more f***ing hilarious!
enki3600 said:
I know the whole "bootleg" thing is getting beaten to death like a dog, and everybody has his/her opinions on the subject. But as MetalRose was saying in a different thread, whether it's legal or not, this is a RESPECT issue. It isn't illegal to pee all over the toilet seat, but I sure as hell hope you (being anybody) would respect your friends enough not to piss all over theirs'!

Unfortunately, abusing the kindness of others is not an alien trait to humankind, and it is inevitable that in order to keep the show the way Glenn likes it, he has to tweak certain privileges to moderate that while keeping costs as low as possible. In such a scenario that might give more prvileges back to the fest-goers, people might offer to volunteer help. For example, surely Glenn can't take the time to watch everyone and learn about all the new technology, but I'm a pretty technology savvy type, and could do this in his stead. Or do something like NO memory cards greater than 256MB--where a 5MP camera could still get 80-120 pictures, but even on the crappiest resolution, only about 3 minutes of video.

I'd be willing to offer my help where ever possible, and I'm sure many of the die hard ProgPower-ers would too.

and by the way, TBJ, your signature quote is freakin hilarious in that "nothing is funnier than the truth" kind of way :D

thx for the compliment, i read it somewhere a long time ago, don't remember what book...

btw i think the memory card checking idea is kinda neat...
Memory cards are small enough that somebody could sneak on in in their pocket, have somebody else carry one in, while keeping a small one in their camera.

Who is going to sit at the door throughout PP and check every camera coming in, every time throughout the weekend?

Sure sucks that it's come to this.
Yippee38 said:
Memory cards are small enough that somebody could sneak on in in their pocket, have somebody else carry one in, while keeping a small one in their camera.

Who is going to sit at the door throughout PP and check every camera coming in, every time throughout the weekend?

Sure sucks that it's come to this.

3 words: body cavity search.
I realize the craftiest of the crafty will always find a way to stay ahead of security, and that checking 99% of the people is useless since they are abiding denizens of the show. It's that 1% that tarnish an otherwise magnificent reputation. While there is no way to completely eliminate it, I'd just like to think it is a show of good faith that many people would take their part in helping out. :)
Bryan316 said:
I've got more! I found Spaceballs images!!!


...shit... shouldn't have mentioned that...

AHA! And just when I thought it was nigh impossible to equate the calibur and memorability of Princess Bride, you go and do it! My creative mind is obviously lacking.

And... this is like ultra-obscure thread cross-conversation. :D
:lol: Best reply, Pellaz!!

enki3600, your post is awesome! Don't listen to Curufin :p I'm happy that you took the time to post this for us. Great read!

I'm looking forward to the Full 256 Petabyte Quantum Ccular Neural Receptor storage with Dolby(tm) 4.0 Sensory Surround! :lol: I'd have way too much fun with it!
sh0kr0k said:
:lol: Best reply, Pellaz!!

enki3600, your post is awesome! Don't listen to Curufin :p I'm happy that you took the time to post this for us. Great read!

I'm looking forward to the Full 256 Petabyte Quantum Ccular Neural Receptor storage with Dolby(tm) 4.0 Sensory Surround! :lol: I'd have way too much fun with it!

Thanks for the vote of confidence. :tickled:
I have my nose shoved in math and physics books so much and am just so used to protocol for design certification and grant proposal, etc... that everything becomes a logical debate, and I forget most people don't really care for the stuff any farther than they could throw a cinder block, so I try and throw in something funny. And most of the time I think I'm the only one that thinks it's funny :D

It's just for shits-n-giggles though, so I never really expect people to take it seriously :)
Full sensory Holo graphic neuro reception, with auditory implants for the sound and a full petabyte of sensory crossover with hypra threading to the memory neurons, with smell-o vision added also.
Pyramaze51 said:
Full sensory Holo graphic neuro reception, with auditory implants for the sound and a full petabyte of sensory crossover with hypra threading to the memory neurons, with smell-o vision added also.

I think you're forgetting that if you have the holographic reception you need the quantum singularity stabilizer and partial probabalistic wave reconstruction filter. We don't want to create overlapping parallel universes now do we! :D

Being nerdy is fun. Especially now that it's sexier than it was in the days of Revenge of the Nerds! :tickled:
enki3600 said:
I think you're forgetting that if you have the holographic reception you need the quantum singularity stabilizer and partial probabalistic wave reconstruction filter. We don't want to create overlapping parallel universes now do we! :D

Being nerdy is fun. Especially now that it's sexier than it was in the days of Revenge of the Nerds! :tickled:
But if we do have overlapping parallel Universes then we would be able to go from one universe to another and back to an alternate timeline to see different PP on mulitdimensional planes at different times or even at the same time in different rooms of EARTHLINK. But isnt that quantum singularity stablizer that METALROSE developed not avavilable to the general public?? And the Partial probabalistic wave reconstruction filter isn't that on the list of alien technology that is not approved for interplanetary import or export. Or am i a few millinieum behind, you got to remember i was in cryogenic staicus for 150 years.
Pyramaze51 said:
But if we do have overlapping parallel Universes then we would be able to go from one universe to another and back to an alternate timeline to see different PP on mulitdimensional planes at different times or even at the same time in different rooms of EARTHLINK. But isnt that quantum singularity stablizer that METALROSE developed not avavilable to the general public?? And the Partial probabalistic wave reconstruction filter isn't that on the list of alien technology that is not approved for interplanetary import or export. Or am i a few millinieum behind, you got to remember i was in cryogenic staicus for 150 years.

As of yet, physicists still have no idea why the arrow of time goes at it does, so jumping tangential timelines and retaining the same perspective may not be possible! However, using MR's quantum singularity stabilizer with a few minor enhancements, and adding on a tachyon transceiver to the probabilistic wave filter (which is only banned for intergalactic import, but since we're violating anti-cloning laws to bring back Dio, who cares, right? :) ), then we can deconstruct ourselves into our superstring constituents that exist only in the 6 dimensional Calabi-Yau space of subquantum dimensions, thus transcending the 4 space-time dimensions we know, and then living every possible progpower outcome simultaneously!

Hmm, I may need to patent this... :cool: