Bootlegging concern for the future (glen)


Sep 19, 2004
I know you're banning all digital cameras for the future, and I was going to email you this privately... but seeing as you're going to be going on your sabbattical soon, I wanted to get it to you right quick!

During the Therion set, there was a jerk in front of us recording. My bro-in-law went to tell security (aiming for his/our VIP passes), and the security person stated that he didn't care "if they fucking taped the whole show and sold it on the internet" and to just go back to our seats.

About 10 minutes later they showed up, but the dude saw them coming and passed the camera down to some accomplices about 5 seats away. He and his 2 women got pulled out, and returned within minutes.

I don't mean to bore you (too late!), but I thought for next year you should be aware of the attitude of the security people you're paying!

Same here Glenn... I told you personally about this asshole recording Symphorce (and I told your security too, you probably remember).... All they did was warning him, saying that "next time we'll kick you out".... I don't think the security of the even was aware of the idea of kicking them out instantly. =\
Digital Cameras shouldn't be banned.. why go and spend money on a disposable, then have to pay more to get them developed when you have a digital camera memory card..

I admit mine had a video setting, but it would take up practically the whole memory card, that's why I just took pictures, I think pictures sound better anyways.
dont bann camera and/ backacks casue who want to cary all of their cd in a plastic bag....i mena ya u should bann things like videocameras, recorder but not backpacks/digital cameras
I'll just reiterate what I said in the other thread. It's not the video feature on digital cameras....and video cameras are already banned. It's the fact that it's very hard to tell the difference between a digital camera and a video camera, especially with the lights off while a band is playing. Combine that with the fact that there are many hundred cameras in the venue, it makes it pretty easy for someone to get away with taping. Glenn said 17 were caught, so who knows how many people got away with it?

Edit: Backpacks being banned are venue policy after Dimebag's shooting.
I am still annoyed by the fact I caught this asshole with a Video Recorder (Camcorder) taping Symphorce, told security and all they did was "warning" the guy... Come on, now thanks to sons of bitches like that fat asshole wearing the purple stratovarius shirt we have to pay... =\
well if I need to bring disposable, and not see if all of the pictures are horrible or not, I guess I will. Who knows, maybe there will be new technology by the time of the next Prog Power for mental image shots, so you won't even need a camera, you can just blink once for flash, and twice for not. The backpack thing I definitely think is a good idea, I don't want to be some casualty to some fucking reckloose. Poor Dimebag..


You guys have to remember Glenn's doing this for not only his safety, or the bands safety, but for ours. You rock, Glenn. \m/
dr00b said:
The backpack thing I definitely think is a good idea, I don't want to be some casualty to some fucking reckloose.
What the hell is a reckloose?

(Recluse is a word, but not the one you're looking for)
AngraRULES said:
Damn dude, are you trying to get our "Grammar and Vocabulary User" award of the year?

Just one more service I offer. :tickled:
Not trying to be an asshole though.
Awesome. Take people's cell phones away. They can record videos too!