Borislav Mitic


Fantasy Princess
Sep 13, 2002
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Has anyone heard of Borislav Mitic? He's an EXCELLENT guitar player! He's got the fastest fingers I've ever heard!:eek: He's got a couple of albums out, and they're all instrumental. But let me tell you, that music is great! So! If you haven't heard of him then please go here:


Then go to the multimedia section. Listen to some of his songs. If you don't like him. Fine. If you do like him. THEN FOR BORISLAV'S SAKE BUY AN ALBUM OR TWO!
My favorite songs so far are Celtic Legends part 2 and Master of Strings.;)
Really?:confused: It sounds to me like some kind of different style metal music being played at some fantasy world's street festival.:rolleyes: I can just imagine the crowd, the noise, and the master of strings dressed up wildly playing the music.
Ive been listening to my s/t cd and damn it IS good. I agree I love Celtic Legends pt II and Bird Song the best. By the way Ms. Lovely Locks, howd you find out about Borislav? I thought I was one of the five people in the US that liked him. I got into him after reading a review on meta-rules a few years back and Im glad I did.
