Borknagar: For the Elements (1996-2006)


I vårens ljusa kvällar

Over 76 minutes of remastered music from Norway's Borknagar featuring 15 cuts from all 7 of their albums on Century Media, including their out of print debut. The pedigree and alumni of this band reads like a Scandanavian Hall Of Fame and shows how important a band like Borknagar are. (2008) Track Listing: Dauden / The Eye Of Oden / The Dawn of the End / Oceans Rise / Universal / Ad Noctum / Presence Is Ominous / Colossus / The Genuine Pulse / Gods of my World / Inherit the Earth / Future Reminiscence / Origin / White / The Human Nature

NICE! I guess this will help us with the waiting for the new album :headbang: .
I'm really exited for this, but I'm a bit sceptical, since "Best of" albums seem to be an easy way to make money, but at least its remastered. Really looking forward to hearing Presence and Colossus.
^ o_O yeah!

The type of production Quintessence has gives you an awesome feeling, so I wonder if that'll change.

Anyway, it's definitely worth the buy, I'll get the European ver. (if there's one, which is probably the case), since the US ver. is quite cheap (only $8 O.O). Hope the price will stay cheap with European ver. though :p .
I wonder how much the band actually did on this. Maybe it was something CM did just to sell some more Borknagar CDs before the contract runs out.

Also, the logo has gotten some extra lines.
^ True, I didn't notice the extra lines at first (too excited I was friends). It looks really good, albeit a bit over-saturated.

I wonder if the band had anything to do with this change in the logo.... Maybe Tyr can answer this please?

It's definitely a small cash-in from CM, but I'm not really complaining :p . I would really like a ltd. edition or something similar though :) .
wow this came a little unexpected, apparently it's out already!
so, where can you buy this if you're not from North America?
Hmm seems like a bit of an odd release for the band. Oh well its cheap. I wonder if the tracks will sound much different.
Haha the style of the cover doesn't really look like a Borknagar cover. It seems like CM are trying to take one last dig at Borknagar :lol:
The songs on it are probably a decent introduction to the band, which is pretty cool. I have all the albums already so I probably won't be buying this.
wow this came a little unexpected, apparently it's out already!
so, where can you buy this if you're not from North America?

I think the only option will be e-bay or amazon. The problem with the CM Distro Store is that they don't ship to forwarding addresses (which is what I have in order to get my cds), so I can't get it either. I guess I'll have to order it through a store.

They do; however, have an e-bay store.

It's not really that good, they don't have much stuff, but well I guess we can pressure them to put Bork's cd(s) over there.

Hope this helps :) .
While you are entitled to having your opinions about our band, I would prefer if you found a more constructive way to express them here on our official forum, rather to come off as bashing the band, I am confident you are able to do that.

While you are entitled to having your opinions about our band, I would prefer if you found a more constructive way to express them here on our official forum, rather to come off as bashing the band, I am confident you are able to do that.



Also, I can't wait for this, I want to hear Ad Noctum in better quality!
My apologies, Erik.

What I meant to say was next to the self titled, Empiricism is my least favorite Borknagar album. The fretless bass sounded bad, and I wish the bassist wouldn't use them.
My apologies, Erik.

What I meant to say was next to the self titled, Empiricism is my least favorite Borknagar album. The fretless bass sounded bad, and I wish the bassist wouldn't use them.

I guess its a matter of taste if one likes the sound of fretless or not. Though I didn't really use fretless much on that album, only for one full song (The View Of Everlast), plus the solo and outro groove on Gods. I guess I can understand that you didn't fancy the sound on Origin since I used nylon coated flats on that one, to get a more "old-school" type of sound to fit the acoustic theme of the album better.
My apologies, Erik.

What I meant to say was next to the self titled, Empiricism is my least favorite Borknagar album. The fretless bass sounded bad, and I wish the bassist wouldn't use them.

I actually happened to like the sound of the fretless bass on that album. It helped add some nice texture to the overall sound. Personally, Empiricism is my favorite CD by the band.

The only album I have a hard time listening to is the first album; but, not because of songwriting, only because of sonics. Remastering of the material from that album isn't going to really help much unless someone takes the original multi-track recordings and does a remix job. It can be done and still have everything sound good.

A. I like the sound of those nylon flats on Origin, Erik. Had a nice woofy sound...

B. Compilation albums never really caught my attention, no matter how well they were remixed... I might buy it anyway. :D