

Illuminatus Minor
Nov 13, 2002
Never listened to much Borknagar before.. but I picked up "Empiricism" on a whim the other day and to me it sounds like some kind of Opeth rip-off (except with organ synths instead of piano) and I was just wondering if most borknagar sounds like this?
Personally, I think the only reason Vintersorg sounds better is because Empiricism has much better production than Quintessence. Everything was so muddy and monochromatic on Quintessence, yet on Empiricism, it jumps out at you in technicolor. I think Vortex's vocals are amazing, as demonstrated in Dimmu Borgir and Arcturus, but were hidden underneath bad production.
I agree with that. The way he sings on Colussus and The Presence Is Ominous is amazing! Still, Vintersorg is great, my fav song from Empiricism being 'The Genuine Pulse'
They are no a ripoff of any band, they are original, and one of the best metal band from Norway (my opinion), yeah I agree with the vocals of Vortex, the production is terrible compared to Empiricism.
okay okay i didnt mean "ripoff" i meant they sound similar.. in dynamics if not in style. and i like 'empiricism' .. i was just asking if that's typical of Borknagar's sound, my friend says 'no man they sold out'
If you are interested in Borknagar I'd suggest you get their first three albums, "Borknagar", "The Olden Domain" and "The Archaic Course". In my opinion "Empiricism" is by far their weakest album... But then again I never really liked Vintersorg...
Your friend is wrong. They didn't "sell out" they just changed their musical sound. They were already popular in the extreme metal circles before Empiricism, and it would be silly to say that the release was to gain popularity, because the actually took a chance with the blatant jazz influences (track 4 for example). He only says this because they don't sound like the same Borknagar he has been listening to. In any case, the other albums are quite noticeably different from Empiricism, but they are still very good. Empiricism is my favorite by them, but I recommend you also get Quintessence.
Originally posted by inferenzum
Never listened to much Borknagar before.. but I picked up "Empiricism" on a whim the other day and to me it sounds like some kind of Opeth rip-off (except with organ synths instead of piano) and I was just wondering if most borknagar sounds like this?

Ummm....shut the fuck up. There's no comparing the two. They're both unique and cool bands. I think this is the worst comparison I've heard in a long long while.
hey, it was an honest inquiry. yeah the term 'ripoff' was harsh but maybe you'd see i took it back later down the thread if you weren't too busy being bullheaded. to me they do sound similar, okay, so maybe borknagar's got vox an octave higher than opeth, or they are technically "black" metal and opeth is technically "death" metal. but i'm not arguing semantics and genres or even styles, i'm talking about dynamics. and i wasn't saying i disliked either one. i actually happen to like them both.

not that that was the original point of the post in the first place. i was only asking if Empiricism is typical of Borknagar's sound. believe me, if you can compare Opeth to Metallica, then you can compare Opeth to Borknagar, at least with respect to Empiricism.
