Borknagar's Next Vocalist...


The (Un)Linear Scaffold
Apr 24, 2004
Hmmm....maybe Vintersorg will be the first to do more than two albums as vocalist, but if he doesn't, who would you like to see as their new singer?

Personally I think it would be really cool to have Mikeal Akerfeldt from Opeth. That would be great as he has a great growling and excellent singing voice too. :headbang: :kickass:
TB666 said:
No way.
Protector from Summoning all the way or maybe Grutle Kjellson.

Oh yeh Grutle...maybe they'll go back to the roots and make another blackish viking album like their debut. He's great in Enslaved.

Also I think Ihsahn from Emperor maybe...
I've been planning to check out summoning for ages...are they any good? and do they sound like any of my favourite bands Darkthrone, Immortal or Gorgoroth? (the ones in my signature)
I just downloaded long lost to where no pathway goes from stronghold theyre great...Im gonna have to add them to a very long list of albums to buy when I get the money :kickass:
I'll third (?) that.

I hadn't really heard summoning at all until last night. On Roth Metal Radio someone kept requesting stuff from Dol Guldur. After the first song, I was annoyed with their style. But then again, I kept paying more attention to the music and listening to their songs (as I was waiting for my Enslaved request), and they aren't that bad at all.
ChrisAHC said:
Personally I think it would be really cool to have Mikeal Akerfeldt from Opeth. That would be great as he has a great growling and excellent singing voice too.
No, no, no. :yuk: Colour of his voice doesn't fit to Borknagar's style... He should stay with Opeth. :loco: