BORN OF FIRE - Dead Winter Sun


God of Thunder
Apr 1, 2005
near KC


"Dead Winter Sun" video:

Press release:
Dead Winter Sun showcases the Arizona-based quintet's wholly unique style of power metal in 10 powerful tracks. The band's musical spectrum reaches from progressive influenced parts like (newer) Fates Warning and Rainbow-styled keyboard-parts to hymnic guitar leads and thundering double bass parts. The dominating, soaring vocals of newcomer Gordon Tittsworth come full of substance and emotion, and the range that Dead Winter Sun showcases waxes and wanes between driving, murderous intensity and ominous calm, fitting perfectly into Born Of Fire's brand of truly atmospheric metal that you can lose yourself in.
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Bumping because this album has just been released. I've had the promo for about a month and have had time to digest it. It initially didn't gel with me, but it turned into definitely one of my favorite metal releases this year. If you place it strictly against non-prog metal competition, it's definitely my winner for 2014. The title track and Spiritual Warfare are the hottest tunes, although Hollow Soul will get under the skin of any ex-addict and Tears throws a lyrical callback to Images of Eden.

Also, the production quality and mix are phenomenal. Vying for production of the year.

Gordon fans ought to stay tuned for the next Born of Fire record in a couple years, and the next Images of Eden record early to mid-2015. He's obviously going places.
Immediate love at first listen!!! 10/10. How I never heard about these guys, I don't know, but that's why I keep on returning to this site – to find bands that fell through the cracks. PHENOMENAL, POWERFUL VOCALIST! This US band would seem like a slam dunk for PP 2016!

Thanks for the post and the bump!
This thread was just brought to my attention and the posts were very cool to read. Glad to hear the CD is being well-received. Thanks for all the great words! The "Tears" video was released in preparation of the LP release at Pure Steel records on Friday, 2/13/15.

I am neck deep in the new Images of Eden now. Will start the official tracking in about a month. Definitely much heavier/punchier than before- chunk with prog elements. I am extremely pleased with it so far. And YES.......... It has been a lot of fun growing up with this name. No one forgets it... (obviously).
Good to see bands that still got it !! Prog/Power Metal the way it was ment to bee!! Excellent vocalwork / Songwriting:Spin:
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