Born of Osiris - The Discovery

I picked this album up yesterday.

I've got to say I'm pretty pleased that I actually bought this.

I'm blown away. I don't like the vocals and the lyrics aren't all that great, either.
But the music! :D

If you haven't heard yet, take a listen. This album is amazing!
lol i listened to this album over and over with my gf on the way to vegas. i actually had this song on repeat for quite some time lol :D i really like the synths and melodies on this album.
The mix is okay... I don't think it's that great sounding, but I love the music. Songs like Recreate, Devastate, and Behold are awesome and easily some of the best stuff they've done, IMO. The chirpy/fluttery tremolo guitar leads in Recreate are pretty damn cool.
This was their most boring effort to me. Plus his vocals are SHOT, jesus he sounds awful.
The flutter stuff is awesome.

This is the first song I*ve heard and I will def. listen to the whole record, it's ok soundwise, kinda dig it(again, first listen now) I have the feel that it grows...
I have to not think about the "sceney" bullshit that encases this band, though.
Recreate has AMAZING leads, don't care too much for the rest but some parts in a few songs are great for sure.
I can attest to the fact that this song/album needs to be heard in HQ to really appreciate the mix which is fat, heavy and unique.
As for the vocals I thought they were executed better on the Bulb demos, which Casey Sabol produced and coached the vocals on.
Tried to like this album, but overall I just don't really like it.
There is some cool riffs and solos in some places, but some of the song writing is truly terrible to be honest.
Some of those transitions from one section to the next in some of the songs just make me think they got a 13 year old kid with his idea of what 'prog metal' is to come in to write some of the music.
The band has a lot of potential and a lot of talent, but they really need to stop with that incoherent bullshit in the song writing they insert into half their songs.
Tried to like this album, but overall I just don't really like it.
There is some cool riffs and solos in some places, but some of the song writing is truly terrible to be honest.
Some of those transitions from one section to the next in some of the songs just make me think they got a 13 year old kid with his idea of what 'prog metal' is to come in to write some of the music.
The band has a lot of potential and a lot of talent, but they really need to stop with that incoherent bullshit in the song writing they insert into half their songs.

+1 Perfect description of the album.
This is the best thing i've ever heard from these guys. I immedialtely fell in love with this record. Nothing to complain at all.
I still really like how this album sound's. I think Jason did a sick job on it. It is a lot different then anything else he has ever done. But also it is the best sounding BOO record to date. But I agree with some of the other post's that if they keep evolving the way they are the next record should be amazing. Front to back.