Boss NS2 as a singal splitter?


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
I'm wanting to record both dry and wet guitar tracks in an experiment.

I found my old Boss NS-2 which has botha "Send" and an "output"...

I just hooked it up and ran both outputs to Sonar with one "send" going to the pod and the "output" going clean into my interface.

The "hi Z" is selected on my interface and both tracks record as planned (one distorted, one clean).

My question is that i know precisely fuck all and have never dabbled in tracks recorded this way (I'm sending my final works to Oz for reamping so i am just trying my best to practise technique and get him the ebst possible tracks).

Am i losing any quality or is there something in this method that will fuck up any reamping or is using the boss NS-2 as a signal splitter an entirely justifiable measure?

I am trying to avoid spending any money on a dedicated DI box if i already have all the tools here!

I just bought a Morley ABY box the day before yesterday for the same reason because I thought it would be better sounding then using a regular DI box for splitting.
Well it does sound better but still I have signal loss in the high frequencies. So I spend 69 EUR for maybe a 10 EUR improvement compared to the DI box. :-(

Just got of the phone and the Morley Trippler doesn't have any frequenzy loss. But it cost like 97 EUR.

If you reamp the stuff later I would make sure that you record the best signal you can get. So in your case I would just do some A/B test.
Record the clean guitar without the NS-2 direct into Sonar and then with NS-2 in between. This way you can listen to both signals and hear if there any differences.
Sorry to bump such an old thread, but does anyone do this with a BOSS NS-2? Are there any other threads about this or sample clips of what DI's sound like using this splitting method out of this pedal? I used the search and google site search but this was the only thread I found. Thanks.
It worked but my engl blackmore gave me a terrible buzz when i connected send/output from ns-2 into the interface(liquid saffire 56).
Clean "DI" track sounded fine when i loaded vst amp sim into it.

Sorry my rotten english.
We will be tracking guitars soon and I was thinking about doing this with my NS-2. Sorry for the old bump but I'll try to get some clips up if we go through with this.
For signal splitting I have to rave about Lehle... I use his stuff for some time now and it´s awesome!!!

The P-Split is exactly what you are looking for.


EDIT: and... ever bought gear that has the cell number of the manufacturer printed in the manual??! ;)
I have actually wondered about using the 2 outputs on my NS2 to drive 2 amps at once while reamping. Might give it a go at the weekend. Will report back if I do.
Awesome, I've always thought that it'd be cool to get running 2 amps at a time. In fact I've got a TU-2 and a NS-2 so I could even try running 3 amps! This is getting a bit silly now!