Bottrill fans?


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
Any David Bottrill fans around? I love his work on the Tool records, and I was listening to Mudvayne's 'End Of All Things To Come' and looked it up and saw he worked on that album too.

Anyway... just quite weird, coz I always loved the production on the two good Mudvayne albums (EOATTC and LD50) and he did one.
Love his work

He seems to excell at more unusual albums. Tool changed heaps from Aenima onwards, Mudvaynes most serious album, Silver Chairs later one, Muse's second album. He seems to get a really natural drum sound, but can do ultra slick production, or gritty vibe stuff as well. Aenima and TEOATTC are probably my two favorite albums ever and I really hope either of those bands works with him again.