

Matt Van Daele
Apr 18, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
I see this word on other forums lots when people are asking questions about amps.

ex: "r u sure this amp does mega br00talz?"

Now I know what people mean when they use the word brutal while referring to certain types of metal but how can it be used as a general term to describe the sonic properties of an amplifier?

Well I dunno, I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say that an amp has a brutal tone, or brutal gain, or is perfect for brutal styles of music. Give it the 1337-speak treatment, and voila - br00talz! :lol:
Well I dunno, I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say that an amp has a brutal tone, or brutal gain, or is perfect for brutal styles of music. Give it the 1337-speak treatment, and voila - br00talz! :lol:

That would make sense if that was how they were using the term. Take this direct quote from ultimate guitar for example.

"I liked the tone it put out, but I wasn't really impressed with the Br00talZ it produced."

Here is another from a different thread,

"Well if only t3h br00t4lz, then 6260"

I'm just wondering if the "br00talz" they are referring too is gain or what? I can't even follow the threads.

Maybe I'm getting old or something and tell me if I'm wrong by saying this but it makes absolutely no sense and sounds absurd.
As i understood they refer to a sound that involves a low-tuned guitar, a high-gain modern amp (5150, recto, cobra, uber, whatever) and some deathmetal/metalcore riffage.

So.. providing they (as users) can deliver the right components (good techniqe and good riffage), they are asking if the hardware component can deliver the rest (massive, but tight low-end, defined grindy mid-range, and enough gain) also known as 'br00talz'.
