Brad and Angelina buy a piece of Mordor


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Biggest news of the day is not the easily-avoided oil crunch but rather that Brad Pitt and Angelina "Inflatable Lips" Jolie bought an island in the shape of Ethiopia outside Dubai.

See? Those clever fuckers weren't satisfied just building Sauron's crib. So now they're up and building all of Mordor as well!!

I looked up "The World" and found the development site very impressive. 300 manmade islands, each priced between $6,000,000 and $28,000,000. Sweet piles of cash for a few piles of sand sticking out the water only 2 feet.

Shit. Why can't we build anything interesting and inspiring anymore? Oh yeah. Social activists turn our monuments into rows of tombstones, and environmentalists abort our projects like unwanted fetuses.

Anyway. Here's a wicked satellite photo of island construction in progress. Looks like they're building "South Island" of New Zealand.


That's how ya build an island: get a ship to vomit sand into the ocean...!

I suppose the happy ending to this story is that in a few years, melting icecaps will put these elitist cribs right under water!

Seems like a major waste of time and money to be building these islands that will eventually be destroyed by mother nature. Jolie is going to need an island, she's running out of room in here house with her addiction to adopting one kid per every country.
I'm not going to criticize them for this. If I had that kind of money to piss away I'd do it to. Hell, I can just imagine all the crazy shit I do if I made the money that they do.