Brain Drill – Apocalyptic Feasting

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
Brain Drill – Apocalyptic Feasting
Metal Blade – 5 Feb 2008
by Ryan Starr


WOW! I must admit that I don’t listen to a lot of tech death anymore, it just got kind of stale, but Brain Drill has rekindled my interest. Apocalyptic Feasting is totally over the top, featuring some mind boggling technicality and crushing riffs. Basically, Brain Drill is Dying Fetus on Steroids. Every song features remarkable sweeping and tapping licks, and they make it sound easy. But don’t think for a second that it’s only the guitars that do this. Bassist Jeff Hughell plays these absurd two hand tapping parts that I can’t even begin to dissect. The best example of this can be found on the track ‘Bury the Living’ where he is given a few seconds to show off.

But fear not, just because Brain Drill loves to shred, it doesn’t mean they don’t know when to simplify things and just rock out. There is just the right amount of groove to keep it from sounding like white noise. Brain Drill has raised the bar for technical death metal with this genre defining debut album.

Official Brain Drill Myspace
Official Metal Blade Website
I listened to this album myself... And I have to say I was very impressed and if they can keep that up, they'll be around for years.
I liked this album at first but it got boring after a few hundred years.
They broke up? Well, that was quick.
I have to agree; that was an amazing review GR! Upon listening to the first track my mouth dropped: I didn't know blast beats could sound like that. By the second track I realized this band was something very special. However as the album progressed, I got pretty bored and listened to the rest of the album just for the sake of finishing it. Now I am a huge fan of tech death, i.e. anata, gorod, necrophagist; however I think this meanders over to the category of brutal death a little too much for me to REALLY enjoy this album. Amazing for what they do though.