Braindance live - if you thought DC Cooper live was too sexy... don't click here

Sep 22, 2011

I was pretty trashed after ProgPower, but when I learned that Braindance was playing a gig this past Sunday after a 10 year absence , I gathered what strength I had left and dragged myself there. I was not disappointed, it was really awesome. I liked the new stuff live more than I expected to after listening to the CD. They also played a lot of songs from Redemption of course. The frontman is a fierce looking gothic idol with cool stage moves. The guitarist played the same weird looking small guitar, but it sounded great.
I know they attended ProgPower as fans at least once, I think it would be awesome to see them perform on the big stage . I am sure the ladies won't mind, right? :grin:
Totally dig these guys. I wish I knew they were performing. Damn you Songkick!!!
Songkick is good. I also use Bandsintown, it seems to track smaller local bands better. When used as Facebook app, it's pretty painless, just sends you an email when the band plays locally. Sometimes though, it seems a show does not show up anywhere, in which case there's no substitute for "following" the band's facebook/twitter/whatever.
Braindance was one of my favorite albums of last year. It took a minute to grow on me, but man, those songs are incredible, and the singer's voice is mesmerizing. I would love to see them live, but I can only afford one trip per year. The odds of them getting to Denver (or ProgPower) are pretty low. :(