Brainfart moment (mixing question)


May 25, 2009
I'm recording a band in May, and the singer mentioned if I could mix his bands' live recordings/demos for an additional fee. I asked him if the demos were individual files, or bounced down wavs.

I got this response...

"The songs are all on tapes for my Tascam cassette 8 track. 4 individual RCA group outs and two send/returns, so 6 individual outs all together for 8 tracks"

Does this equal to bounced tracks? Or for people who have used the tascam 8track machines, is there a way to retrieve the individual files?

dumbest question ever probably, but hey I can live with it.

If you plan on soloing each track and recording them individually into your DAW, the tracks will not be in sync with each other. The cassette tape will run at slightly different speeds each pass. I've been down this road and scrapped the project because I never got them lined up correctly.

I'm not saying you can't time adjust them and make it work, But it is a nightmare job.

If you can export all 8 together then you are good to go.

Best of luck