Brainstorm are going to record Live Album at Summer Breeze!


Dec 12, 2001
Luzern, Switzerland
taken from

"Germany's BRAINSTORM will be recording a live album during the appearance at the Summer Breeze Open Air 2002 festival, which is scheduled to take place on August 22-24 in Abtsgmünd, Germany. A late 2002/early 2003 release is expected."
Hmm last thing they told me is that it would be an extra CD with the next new CD, release planned for June 2003. So I'm not sure if the Blabbermouth news is correct in the release part.. Andy, Todde?
Originally posted by Cornholio
I read the news in severel online-zines ....

exactly the same? Blabbermouth usually is real quick with news and often exclusive too, so I can imagine many copy their news. Well let's hope our boys come by and post so they can enlighten us about what kind of release it will be! :rolleyes: TODDEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! ANDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wave: