Brainstorm video now online


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
"Voices" from PP V is now in the audio/video section. A higher quality version will be made available later on after the initial onslaught the server takes.

Thanks to all for the emails of assistance. Special thanks to Justin, Aki, and Deron.


Glenn H.
Wow! The cameras on stage really make it seem that much better! Great video..

Now we need a Jon Oliva video eh? :D
That was fucking awesome!!! The cameras on the stage defintely add a greater element to the video. That video just reinforces how sick Brainstorm was last year. I am still hoping for Symphorce!!!!
Dave@BEC said:
Awesome! Was like a flash back, as if yesterday not 5 months ago. Hope there can be more vids posted :headbang:

i suppose he thought he was bring 'artsy' instead he's just being stupid. i want to WATCH the video, not watch the video on the open sea, ya know?
That was fantastic! It was very much a "see how many people you recognize" video. I had forgotten that he had climbed down like that. I want more!
GLENN, some of us have Macs and WMV files are literally no good to us. Can i get a mpg or something?

As soon as I hear back from tech support on the avi to mpeg converter I bought, I will indeed work on it. I cannot get the avi below 50 MB at the moment without screwing it up.

The WMV was the only short term answer I could come up with.

Glenn H.
I was just about to post a thread asking about all the video footage.

Yes, I thought the cameraman was funny. Watching him bend up and down rock left, right, back, forth.... Constantly going all about. Wondered if he'd had a few drinks hehe.

I somewhat hope for a Kamelot video just because I have a friend here who looks just like the lead singer did that night...... Have been wanting to show him better heh heh.

Glenn... have you ever considered doing DVDs for ProgPower? I was wondering about that last time and thought it'd be really awesome....
MaxDuo said:
Glenn... have you ever considered doing DVDs for ProgPower? I was wondering about that last time and thought it'd be really awesome....

He's said it many times that its nearly impossible due to all the label conflicts and such...
Nice video, but tell your boy to stop the "wiggle cam" this year, I thought it was annoying just to see him do it all weekend and then watching it -- booo. Effects are to be made in the editing suite, just set up the nice shots and do the job, just some constructive criticism ye ole film school.

Realistically it would be possible to do DVDs on a small limited scale and still be cost effective. It would have to be per band/label though. If the number is between 500-1,000 units it wouldn't be THAT pricey (publishing-wise and such). Of course this all has nothing to do with whatever the label & contracts state.

For "opening" bands, ie Mercenary, Silent Force, Pagan's Mind and such, I'm sure you could sell 500 copies of their performances very easily.