
Brainstorm are very suck. I remember listening to one of their CDs once, I don't remember the name, and everything sounded very cheesy and the same. I was very unimpressed by their lack of energy and flower-metal looks. And this was back when I thought Iced Earth was a decent band. I don't dare listen to such shit now.
They don't have that much energy on their latest release and they got a little generic with time. I prefer Symphorce....
I love Brainstorm and obviously Symphorce...both bands are great! just don't have anything good to say about any bands hey? All you do is trash bands.... :err:
I am still trying to compose myself to post a reply in regards to the HORRIBLE post you did about was totally uncalled for, if you don't like a band...that is fine...we all have different time try to be a bit more decent and tactful and respect the fans and the band...specially when it involves a band as classic as Maiden. I will not bash you...just speaking my mind here as I am not a woman to back down!
Pabla said:
I love Brainstorm and obviously Symphorce...both bands are great! just don't have anything good to say about any bands hey? All you do is trash bands.... :err:
I am still trying to compose myself to post a reply in regards to the HORRIBLE post you did about was totally uncalled for, if you don't like a band...that is fine...we all have different time try to be a bit more decent and tactful and respect the fans and the band...specially when it involves a band as classic as Maiden. I will not bash you...just speaking my mind here as I am not a woman to back down!
Maiden "classic". They deserved to be called classic back when they had a bit of decency left in them. Their recent works are so horribly nauseating, to have any respect left for them you have to be either a crazed groupie or have a bad taste in music.

I can't even begin to describe what a big joke their latest albums are, rehashed crap, put together hurriedly and served to the fans to generate insane amounts of money to help the band members through retirement, which is approaching soon, and the golden years. Know what they'll be doing in 5 years? Sitting in some crazy mansion in the Carribean with a bunch of whores sucking their cocks and they'll be laughing at everybody who went out and bought such monumental pieces of shit as Dance of Death.
I see I am talking to a wall when I mention tact and respect...for you have none whatsoever. If you don't like them that IS FINE by me...for I see that all that you can utter is venom, unnecessary grotesque speech and filth.

Furthermore I do not wish to waste my words on such as you, hence I will not reply to anymore of your post. Period.
I never thought Iron Maiden was that great too... I don'T know why everyone loves them so much...

And Larf03, yup, mid-tempo and redundant except for a few songs. I think you would prefer Symphorce which is a little heavier. ( all the choruses on their last album sound the same though )
AsModEe said:
I never thought Iron Maiden was that great too... I don'T know why everyone loves them so much...

And Larf03, yup, mid-tempo and redundant except for a few songs. I think you would prefer Symphorce which is a little heavier. ( all the choruses on their last album sound the same though )

Thanks for the advice... I'll check them out!
I've been a big fan of this band for a long time. Unholy is probably the band's heaviest disc ("Holy War" is on that disc), but I like all the discs. If you like Unholy...check out Ambiguity, too (try to get the Japanese version with "Revenant" on it). Luckily, I get to see them live in September at Prog Power in Atlanta. :headbang:
Imagikafan said:
I've been a big fan of this band for a long time. Unholy is probably the band's heaviest disc ("Holy War" is on that disc), but I like all the discs. If you like Unholy...check out Ambiguity, too (try to get the Japanese version with "Revenant" on it). Luckily, I get to see them live in September at Prog Power in Atlanta. :headbang:

Ditto! I am seeying them at progpower as well! How did you get your hands on the Ambuguity Japanese version?