Brand New Laptop, Pro Tools 8 Errors On Startup


Oct 10, 2009
So I just bought a brand new laptop


and upon receiving it I've had a hell of a day with random bullshit new computer pains. To top it all off, when I finally get everything working ok and start up Pro Tools, I am almost immediately hit with random error messages. The last one I got was DAE error -1115. I use PT 8, and I've used it on my desktop for about 2 years now without too many headaches. However, it's been awhile since I've had to install it, so maybe I'm overlooking something stupid that one of you guys could point out. Help! Haha
Yes, it's very much similar to the setup in my desktop which worked fine. Only difference is it has a better processor- an intel i7. The OS is Windows 7 x64 which worked fine on my desktop.
One more thing- did anyone's PT 8.05 update freeze during install? Mine hung in the middle of it for hours, so I had to quit and uninstall/reinstall vanilla 8.0
Thanks for the input guys. For anyone else having a similar problem, this fixed it:

Just unhook any USB devices that may be connected to the laptop, as well as removing any disk that may be in the drive. This was preventing not only Windows 7 from updating properly, but also Pro Tools from installing properly and many more problems.