Breaking Down Howard Dean


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Here's Dean talking about some hippy dopehead called Bernie Sanders from Ben&Jerry's Reich, Vermont. Bernie was a card-carrying Socialist party member and far more poisonous than your average Democrap.

Luckily, you guys n gals have my comments to make sense of Dean's fucked up leftist hieroglyphic bullshit:

RUSSERT: Bernie describes himself as a socialist, not a democrat.

DEAN: Well, that's what he says. He's really a populist.

Thanks, Howard. "That's what he says" doesn't count? I thought hippy bolsheviks like yerself value people by what they say. If you say you care about the poor and go buy a Lexus, you're a good liberal, but if you say you voted for Bush, you're an ultra-conservative. What a shithead!

RUSSERT: But is there room in the Democratic Party for a socialist?

Is there room for anyone with a brain, Russert should ask.

DEAN: (scoffs) First of all he's not a socialist, really. He hasn't said that for a while.

Oh, does that mean he's becoming more conservative in his old age? Shit! I guess that means Bernie will soon be driving a Buick. Quick, catch him for the democrats before he moves too far to the right!

RUSSERT: He wrote in his book, quote, Outsider in the House: "I'm a democratic socialist."

DEAN: Well, a "democratic socialist." (long pause) All right, we're talking about words here. Bernie can call himself anything he wants.

Of course he can, but you're here to assure us you know the hippy socialist Bernie better than Bernie does, right? Who's more righteous, Hitlery or Howard Dean?

DEAN: He is a basically a liberal Democrat, and he is a Democrat that -- he's a -- he runs as an independent because he doesn't like the structure and the money that gets involved, and he's actually has some -- I think some good points about campaign finance reform.

I'm sure he accepts no campaign money at all, just unaccounted for Union support. Campaign finance reform, my ass!

DEAN: The bottom line is, that Bernie Sanders votes with the Democrats 98% of the time.

Well how the fuck else is he gonna vote? He ain't gonna vote Republican when they run platforms to reduce taxes. Socialists want 100 percent taxes and then "give" money back to the workers. This is just plain dumb-ass shit!

Dean is able to articulate without fear everything a free-thinking open-minded voter feels about Bush and his fascism.

YOu don't have to like it, my poor friend.

Dean is the same guy who made fun of Rush Limbaugh for having a drug addiction to painkillers not once but twice and justified it by saying that since Rush made fun of Clinton, it's ok for Dean to make fun of Rush.

Just to refresh your memory, Howard Dean is a doctor.
Dean is a fucking asshole!

He obviously traded his Hypocratic Oath for the Hypocritical Oath when he decided to enter politics. And this shrill maniac with zero brain cells was on track to be presidential candidate?? Ha! Actually, that would've been awesome. Imagine the eye-popping, shreiking presidential debates!

I could see those lily-white hippy homos in Vermont voting for Dr. Demento here, but I am surprised even the party of the flabby-white boozing murderer Ted Kennedy and ol' sheet-white Cross-Burner Robert Byrd would have Dean as party chairman.

They've fuckin lost their minds! And I thought the laundry-white corruptor, Terry McAuliffe, first slave of Bill and Hitlery, was bloody awful!
