Breeding Hate Again In Madrid 2003


Haistakaapa vittu!
Nov 23, 2001
Hails! Just only 5 1/2 days to see COB here in Madrid. Cant wait. Last tour I didnt go, but acording to the guys' tour diary, "Show was one of the best on this tour...".

People from UM (I guess from here only Raistlin will go... haha) that is going to go to the gig. Post your last words before the day!

Here are mine:

-Errr... Hmmm. What to say? Ah! I'll go to see the three bands. Ill stay in the first row for COB (maybe also for the others too, who knows). I will ask Soilwork to play "Pinball Map" (LOOOOOOL) to make them mad haha. And I will destroy my throat and vocal chords with COB. And after that, if im still alive, I will go to Arguelles and Metal Bros. (Metal Bros. Opens at 3:15am).

I hope to see ya there, guys!!! (At least Raistlin and Zicrom, that comes from Valencia I think).

loWildChild said:
-Errr... Hmmm. What to say? Ah! I'll go to see the three bands. Ill stay in the first row for COB (maybe also for the others too, who knows). I will ask Soilwork to play "Pinball Map" (LOOOOOOL) to make them mad haha. And I will destroy my throat and vocal chords with COB. And after that, if im still alive, I will go to Arguelles and Metal Bros. (Metal Bros. Opens at 3:15am).
I hope to see ya there, guys!!! (At least Raistlin and Zicrom, that comes from Valencia I think).
-Can't fucking wait!! :hotjump:
-I'll go with my new contact lenses so that i can see and headbang happily :cool:
-Who the hell is Zicrom? :confused:
-Metal Bros? Cool! i've gone there several times. I usually go to 'Talisman' first (which is above 'metal bros'), and when they close at 3 or 4 i go to metal bros. :hoping to get really drunk:
Hey man! Zicrom is one guy who posted here. I still have him in MSN. Is from Valencia, and he gave me the bootleg (Valencia 2001). You can say is the best Metallica fan ever :)

Metal Bros.... I never went there yet. I know where is it, but my friends are too gays and at 1:00am they start saying "I must sleep, bla bla bla". GAYS haha. But that day I promised to go there. People told me its a cool pub!

We use to go to AfterDark (in Atocha), Thunder (old Akelarre, they use to put so many cool music! Its too heavy!), Lemmy (lately they stoped with MotorHead and they put some cool music too) and Talisman (There is the old owner of Akelarre, right? That dude just rulez! I asked him a lot of times for songs, and he always said "WHOA!! COOL BAND!! DID YOU KNOW THAT....." just great!) ;)
loWildChild said:
Zicrom [...] You can say is the best Metallica fan ever :)

We use to go to AfterDark (in Atocha), Thunder (old Akelarre, they use to put so many cool music! Its too heavy!), Lemmy (lately they stoped with MotorHead and they put some cool music too) and Talisman (There is the old owner of Akelarre, right? That dude just rulez! I asked him a lot of times for songs, and he always said "WHOA!! COOL BAND!! DID YOU KNOW THAT....." just great!) ;)
Then i guess zicrom will come to see metallica on june 22th, too. I have my ticket yet. The bad news is that they're coming with linkin park and stone sour :puke: but what the hell.
Mmmh, Afterdark is a cool place, too. I was there once and there were lots of beautiful metalgirls :Spin: and many screens in which you can see videoclips. Yeah, the guy from 'Talisman' is great, you can ask for any song and he puts it. I even saw once Jorge Salán there (you know? that great spanish guitarrist)
There's another cool place, Excalibur. But it's in Vallecas. It's like a big metal disco with a dance floor in the middle, where people headbang. In vallecas there are many other pubs, like Kaos, La Urbe, etc. But Argüelles is much closer to my house.
So, Magsec, you're coming to Madrid? You're late for CoB, but maybe you can see Iron Maiden.
This seems to be a thread only for Spanish people so why do you talk English? Let's talk Spanish!

I'll do the beginning:

Hijo de puta! Chicas con polla = Los del villa abajo! Mi polla es grande! Gracias, Nando!

Adios amigos!
Chokehold said:
:guh:What did you say?
zarok! Please speak in English...
Actually I'm not 100% sure what I said. I learned everything from my master, fucking Nando. But I don't trust him. I THINK I said something like:

"Hello! How are you doing? I hope you're doing fine!"

Some nice words in Spanish, you know. But mabye fucking loWildChild told me shit...
Yup Raistlin, of course I know about Excalibur and these locals hehe ;) I didnt saw Jorge Salán, but the Drumer of Blind Guardian in AfterDark :)

Hey tio vas a esperar a ke te firmen o algo? Yo estoy por pasar.... si salieran directamente a firmar, pos vale.... pero eso de tener ke esperarles... :rofl:DD
Pues no sé. Yo estuve esperando un buen rato bajo la lluvia en el de Sinergy, y al final en vez de salir por la puerta de atrás, donde nos juntamos bastante gente, salieron por la principal para esquivarnos. Cuando fuimos corriendo estaban en el autobús y conseguimos que Kim nos firmara algún autógrafo, pero Alexi no nos hizo ni caso.

So, Zarok, do you like 'chicas con polla'? :lol:
Jajajaja el muy flipao vio el anuncio de Fairy (en Alemania lo echan... ke rayaos ke no? :rofl:DD), y sumandole varias de mis enseñanzas... (polla, coño, puta, mierda, cagao, etc... lo tipico ke se enseña :rofl:DDDDDDD) surgio eso :rofl:DDDD.

Yeah eso keria decir. A ver a mi me encantan COB. Se puede decir que soy el fan numero 1. Pero mas allá de la musica, no son dioses. Son solo chavales como nosotros. Ke vale pueden ser todo lo interesantes ke kieras etc. Pero para ke mierdas kiero conocerles? Son solo dioses musicalmente hablando. :rofl:DDDD.

Es que no soy el tipico grupie... :rofl:DD. Aunke no sé, si los colegas kieren kedarse, nos kedaremos... pero no creo :rofl:DD.

No os olvideis de pedirles a Soilwork "Pinball Map", como hizo uno de por aki para cabrearles :rofl:DDDD
loWildChild said:
Hey man! Zicrom is one guy who posted here. I still have him in MSN. Is from Valencia, and he gave me the bootleg (Valencia 2001). You can say is the best Metallica fan ever :)
Soy de Malaga tio!!!!!!!! M-A-L-A-G-A. Con lo orgulloso que soy yo de mi tierra, y me dices que soy de Valencia.... :Smug:

Pues si Raistlin, yo solia escribir por aqui antes, hasta que no se por que me banearon. Asi he estado unos meses sin escribir nada. Ahora me he hecho otra cuenta nueva, y ya puedo volver a meterme por aqui. Vaya, que podia haberme hecho la cuenta nueva el mismo dia que vi que me habian baneado, pero bueno... no tenia ganas... :Spin:

By the way, Zarok.... you are the fuckin master man!!! You can´t imagine how I have laught with your Spanish lesson, and then with your translation. :lol: :lol:
Y por cierto, cuando vi a los Children en Granada en Septiembre del 2001, solo tuve que esperar 15 miseros minutos despues del concierto para poder sacarme fotos con ellos, que me firmasen algun poster y para que me regalasen puas.

Yo lo tengo bien claro, pienso quedarme despues del concierto para que me firmen. Y no es ser un grupi, es simplemente que ya que me he gastado una buena pasta comprando sus discos, comprandome la entrada de su concierto, y aparte recorrerme 600 km hasta madrid, pues que menos que me firmen un disco y me saque una foto con ellos.

Nando, que solo es que te firmen tio, que no es que tengas que comerles la polla.
Jodooooo :rofl:D. Sorry. Es verdad eres de Malaga. Yo suelo veranear por alli (Fuengirola, ke gran .... pueblo? como llamarlo? :rofl:DD Ke incultura por dios :rofl:DD).

Ahora ke recuerdo... tu eres el flipao ke puso en el pakete ke me enviastes "Wild Child" en vez de mi nombre. Y el cartero se kedo to rayao :rofl:DDDDDDDDDDDD.

Por cierto, Raistlin. Ahi donde ves a Zicrom, es el fan number 1 de Metallica. Ya tiene las entradas de Madrid y Barna.... :rofl:DDD.

By the way.... ke tienes de Metallica en CD, Zicrom? Mi coleguita metallicalero dice ke si tienes el live shit y ke ke movidas ke no pueda encontrar el facilmente en internet tienes por ahi.

Por cierto. Alguna peticion para ke te copie? Tengo estos VCDs:

Children Of Bodom - Destroys Milwaukee Metalfest XIV (28th July 2000 @ Milwaukee, USA)

Ignite Seoul Korea (4th April 2001 @ Seoul, South Korea)

Live From Rock City 2003 (15th February 2003 @ Shibuya Koukaido, Tokyo, Japan)

Alexi Laiho - Passage To The Reaper (YG DVD-RIP)

Mystic Festival DVD-RIP (13th October 2001 @ Kraków, Poland)

Recuerda ke no puedo copiar VHSs... es la putada :rofl: