Brian Welch update


Blast Beats 4 Life
Apr 18, 2004
Minot, ND, USA
BW is "Head" from Korn if you did not know. But most of you metallers know he left Korn recently. I got my Aug 2005 issue of Guitar World in the mail today. A nice big interview with him.

When I first opened it up I laughed. He is wearing a white long robe and is in his backyard pool looking like some christ wannabe. He has a beastly beard and long flowing hair.

The interview is rather interesting and I encourage you to stop by the store and buy the issue or just read the article. Welch talks about his bouts with alcohol and how he was addicted to meth. He said he was at a low point in his life. One night he was on a binge and at 4am he felt all messed up, he went to the doctor kuz he thought he had a heart attack. Now he believes it was the holy spirit letting him know he has gone to far.

He now is writing a new solo CD. He says it is god writing through him. He also has a new site dedicated to god, It also has some writings from him, to get a feel for his change.

This interview is pretty nutty, but as an outsiders of the faith I find people like this kinda whacko. You will have to read the article, I'm still not sure if I think is straight. I will give him respect though for coming right out and being really open about his past and why he has changed.

Now he is helping his local Bakersfield community and speaks out against people turning their heads to what happens in the low income communities (da hoods yo). He has rallied many people to a local church and says he will donate as much money as god wants him to.
From his website... said:
Hey ya'll jesus psychos out their. i want to welcome you to your new site. this is not about me. this is about the lord 100%. this is your site as much as it is mine. as you know 2 & 1/2 months ago, i was begging to die and it wasn't from drugs. it was GOD calling me to come to him. i feel like i was put in korn to witness every trick the enemy does with music in this world in order to turn my knowledge around to glorify GOD. the time has come for the lost children of GOD that got abused by parents, peers, family members, society, teachers, churches or whatever else in this messed up world, to put on body armor for the lord and claim this country for god without feeling fear from public ridicule. he will bless us with strength in every way if we are loyal to him so say goodbye to the quiet wimpy you. ask him to bless everything and everyone in your life that you want blessed, OR IT WON'T GET BLESSED. PLEASE HEAR ME ON THE POWER OF PRAYER. you people who have been lost are now found. you people who have felt like nobodies, have now been put in a position to HELP change his-story. Our love for christ has to be loud and done with love. As everyone knows, sometimes love hurts. It's on! do not live this life for personal gain or you will end up on your face in confusion. do not live this life to try and be GOD. we are the lord's body, he is our brain. listen to him with your heart and don't let your brain get in the way. I WILL NOT FALL FROM MY WALK WITH THE LORD! EVER! I welcome all the positivity from this new life, and all the negativity too because the lord shines through me as he does all of my brothers and sisters and will be our defender in every way. I LOVE YOU ALL. WELCOME TO THE ARMY. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY. LETS GROW IN CHRIST TOGETHER. NOTHING CAN STOP US IF WE DON'T LOSE SITE IF WHO'S RUNNIN THE SHOW, KNOW WUTUM SAYIN?
we have all been given the answer to the question of life.

I've seen highschool students who can write with more coherency and clarity... Let's not even get started on the content.

I don't think he was very bright to begin with... but this is just downright sad.
It's funny that Johnathan Davis is so into the occult, and his bandmate is all fucked up on god...(or ex-bandmate)
Meth fucks people up, and "faith" justifys their insanity.
And I think it is in poor taste to use Dimebags name in vain...
And Family Guy rules (or any related series)