
Jun 25, 2008
i know there is sticky for it but god damn people IRC chat. WOULD BE FUN TO CHAT WITH ALL OF YOU BE PRETTY FRICKEN AWESOME YAH? YAH K DO IT

step 1
server :
channel #sneapsters

Step 2 ???

step 3 Profit
Why not just use AIM? It seems like most people on here use it already anyways.

You can just have a permanent name for the chat, like Sneap Chat or something... you can invite your own screen name to get in. if everybody types the same name they'll all enter the same chatroom.
Why not just use AIM? It seems like most people on here use it already anyways.

You can just have a permanent name for the chat, like Sneap Chat or something... you can invite your own screen name to get in. if everybody types the same name they'll all enter the same chatroom.

Why not just use AIM? It seems like most people on here use it already anyways.

You can just have a permanent name for the chat, like Sneap Chat or something... you can invite your own screen name to get in. if everybody types the same name they'll all enter the same chatroom.


irc bring back days of lulz
fuck irc takes me back to the early days of internet. did anyone else use microsoft chat? they had metal and punk chat rooms. this is back in like 93 lol

the little flower in the bottom of the screen that changed from orange to green when you were connected.

fuck I was paying for internet by the hour back then
Gareth: why is the link in your sig not clickable? I was gonna check out if Slice The Cake is a mock-emo/deathcore band but having to type in the myspacelink made me become not interested anymore ...