BRING ME THE HORIZON: Video Report On Singapore Concert


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
A seven-minute video report on BRING ME THE HORIZON's October 16 concert in Singapore can be seen below (courtesy of LAMC Productions Pte Ltd). BRING ME THE HORIZON's fourth album, "Sempiternal", sold 27,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to land at position No. 11 on The Billboard 200 chart. The CD, which arrived in stores on April 2 via Epitaph, saw the band's lead singer, Oliver Sykes, expressing his views on a number of topics, including organized religion. "After the last touring cycle, I was in a bad place, a really, really bad place," Sykes told The Guardian earlier this year. "I went to get help. I don't know what I was suffering from, to be honest, but the underlying thing was ADHD. It was leading me to self medicate. But one of the first things I was asked to do was believe in God, to accept God into my life and let him help me." He continued: "I didn't understand why I'd need something that in my opinion doesn't exist to get better. I've got a family, I've got friends, I've got a life. I've been fortunate enough not to live in a poverty stricken world. Why should I have to believe in that to get better? When I say: 'Fuck your faith, no one's gonna save you,' it's like — you need to do it on your own. If you're sick, or you're ill, or there's something wrong with you, don't wait on some all powerful force or a miracle to save you, because it's not going to happen. You've got to put the groundwork in yourself." Sykes also took aim at his own generation, telling The Guardian that today's youth should stop being lazy and acting like hypocrites. "It's people that are preaching and finger-pointing, but they're not doing owt themselves," he said. "I remember calling someone out because I saw them posting about Apple and how Apple was destroying the world. He was tweeting it off his iPhone. It's that whole thing that drives me absolutely mad. You can't talk about Texaco destroying the world if you drive a 4x4. You are contributing to it. In our generation, everyone's been given a platform to say or do whatever they want, and it's such bollocks. If you believe in all that stuff you're saying, then go and fight for it. Don't sit on the Internet and post random ill-informed facts that you found off another blog. It's just word vomit."
