British gov't says: "sex is good time happy fun and nothing more."


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Gov't to outlaw extreme, violent pornography

LONDON (AFP) - Watching and possessing images of rape and sexual torture is to be made a criminal offence, punishable with a jail term of up to three years.

The plan follows a campaign by two MPs and the mother of a schoolteacher who was killed in 2003.

Violent Internet pornography was implicated in the trial of the man convicted of her murder.

Home Office minister Vernon Coaker said there was an urgent need to tackle the problem because such images were becoming more easily available on the Internet and control of their distribution more difficult.

The new laws -- which will cover pornography online and offline -- will ban possession of images depicting "scenes of extreme sexual violence", plus other obscene material like bestiality or necrophilia.

For example, it would cover violence that is, or appears to be, life-threatening or is likely to result in "serious and disabling injury".

Britain's Obscene Publications Act 1959 currently bans the publication and distribution of such material, but not its possession.

Under the proposals, the maximum penalty for publication, distribution and possession for gain of obscene pornography would also be increased from three to five years' imprisonment.

The Home Office said they did not intend to target people who accidentally access obscene pornography nor those working within the mainstream adult entertainment industry, which works within existing obscenity laws.

The project is in response to a consultation launched last year and comes after a 50,000-signature petition against extreme Internet sites promoting violence against women for sexual gratification was presented to parliament.
I've only seen violent porn a few times and while I find it pretty disturbing, I don't think this is such a great idea. That kind of shit is roleplaying to some people, what would they ban next, hairpulling, ass-slapping, or even funny hats? Then again, those sleeping girl rape fantasy sites are a bit much... I dunno. Necrophilia and beastiality okay that makes sense, but what about Barely Legal type stuff?

Also I can't help but think about the DRUNK CHICKS magazine Billy Madison gets in the mail, that shit rules.
"but what about Barely Legal type stuff?"

it's legal. But just barely. :D 12:01 am type shit.
Attempting to legislate obscenity is foolhardy. Whose to say what's obscene?

What's I find most disturbing about this legislation is, many of these acts are perfectly legal. Rough sex, rape role play, are all perfectly legal between consenting adults. So why does videotaping it make it illegal?

Is there any evidence that necrophilia truly exists? We've all seen images of bestiality, but in my lifetime, I've never seen a picture of some dude making sweet love to a corpse. I sense an urban legend.
It is really silly, and to even suggest that violent porn drove this woman's daughter's murderer to do what he did is downright silly. There was clearly something wrong with him to begin with, and, while it is possible (but I think it unlikely) that the porn affected his behviour, as soon as you draw a line like this legally it's going to start slipping to the point when it infringes not only on those with more extreme sexual preferences.
lizard said:
That doesn't bother me too much. I mean once I got that video put in my startup directory and the pig was fucking the chick and then she tried to get away and he chased her around the barn....THAT was heinous.

:lol: :lol:
JayKeeley said:
Is there any evidence that necrophilia truly exists? We've all seen images of bestiality, but in my lifetime, I've never seen a picture of some dude making sweet love to a corpse. I sense an urban legend.
a graveyard worker in sweden was recently accused of having sex w/ bodies that were supposed to be buried at his graveyard, and he's confessed too,2789,872440,00.html
Zod is correct, even the US Supreme Court gave up trying to define obscenity, they passed the buck by saying it was up to local might thing tho that the current court with the two recent Bush appointees might take another whack at it.

But let's face it, if you need violent images to get you hot, like Russell sez, you've already got major problems. This bill tho is targeted at way more than a little role playing.
I've never seen one of these hallowed bestiality pRons. I've always assumed them to be an urban legend.
Haha, you really have never? They are all over the place. On most sites, inbetween 'Hot Schoolgirl Babe Strips' and 'MILF with a nice Booty' there is 'CHICK GETS FUCKED BY EMU'.
Yeah, but its gotta be a trick. You log on there and there's a picture of a naked chick photoshopped next to some stock farm footage. How is it physically possible to get nailed by a dog? Eaten alive is more like it am i rite