Broke my collar bone


Dec 15, 2007
While out at the local dirtjump/4x track I failed to land a big jump on my bike, and snapped my collar bone. The X-rays were truley gruesome, its snapped completly in half. No guitar for 5-6 weeks, and I'm pathetically immobile cus I can't carry a bag or anything.

Anyone done something similar? What do you door for entertainment/the lulz?

Which side did you break? Would be possible to play guitar if it was your fretting arm after the pain goes down and you are allowed by your doctor to move your arm our of the sling. I have broken my left wrist twice since I have been playing guitar. First time it was a full arm cast and the other was a half forearm case. Either way after the pain was down I tried to play guitar the best I could. But other than that I slept due the the massive depression that ensues when you can't do anything. Hanging out with friends getting out of the house as much as possible, playing video games, watching TV, spending time with family and chatting on forums is your best bet to entertain yourself, listen to music but turn it off when the depression hits you because you can't play and go somewhere. The last two weeks before you can use your limb is always the worst because you get anxious to play, but on the bright side, when you can you practice and jam so much that your playing gets a lot better after the injury. Within a month after you can play guitar again your skills will have gone up by leaps and bounds than before the injury, so look forward to that.
Left hand side, so could have been worse. Thank god for the internet to save me from boredom.

Left hand side, so could have been worse. Thank god for the internet to save me from boredom.


your left hand side should be easier to play sooner, since the picking hand would leave you pretty fucked.

Here is to a speedy recovery man :kickass:. Do whatever you can to keep that shit off your mind.
i just had to cancel a guest solo i was meant to do because of breaking my fret-hand little finger yesterday,i wn't be playing for at least a couple months.

they give you any vicadin? that's working on the pain for me.i empathize man... yours sounds pretty bad. will you need surgery? i have to have a pin put in.

my best wishes for your full recovery.
Fucked my backbone real bad this year. Had to relearn how to walk and stuff. Lost at least 8 months of this year on this shit. If your pain is unbearable, ask for morphine. I´ve tried all sorts of painkillers and narcotics and I gotta say that nothing comes even close of how much morphine works for instant pain relief. For the lulz I had many friends visting me at the hospital and they lend me some graphic novels and HQs. YouTube, 4chan and watch my soccer team on TV was cool too. Get better dude.
Stuff like that sucks, broke my left elbow last summer.
Couldn't lift or open a bottle of water for 4 weeks, got the steel removed from my arm 3 weeks ago, since than I am able to move my arm a bit more.
But all in all I will never be able to straighten my left arm complete or bend it as far as my right arm.

Best wishes!
I broke my left collar bone when I was like 14. I was wearing a vampire prosthetic on my face and I ran out into my back garden & did a front flip... as you do.

I didn't land right, I landed on my neck. SNAP. I heard it and was like "fuck!" All of a sudden I felt a burning sensation in my shoulder.

The next month or so wasn't any fun at all. I think the way I landed may have affected my spine because I couldn't walk for more than like a minute without some SERIOUS aching. Maybe it was caused by the collar bone alone. However, I didn't snap it fully. So I imagine yours is a quite bit more painful.

Everything was a chore to do. Even to just lay down. Couldn't turn over or anything. Rested my arm on a couple of pillows to keep it level with my chest & didn't move all night. Also, I could only type with one hand. Which was annoyingly slow.

The crack was in my left collar bone if I didn't already say so... Now there's a large bump were the bone healed over it... When I lift weights I still feel weakness in that area.

Hope you get better soon man.
Thanks so much guys :) It means a hell of a lot.

I'm lucky enough to escape without surgery on this one, apparently it will repair itself which I find absolutely astonishing, its like wolverine from xmen :lol: No morphine or anything but paracetamol for me.

When I came off I didn't realise what had happened, I just sat there saying fuck over and over again. I couldn't move it but me and my mate had to walk about 3/4 a mile or so to get picked up and taken to hospital. My friend looked at it and said my shoulder was completely lop-sided and theres an outline of a bone protruding. I didn't believe him so he had to say he wasn't joking about 20 times until it sunk in.

Don't think I'll be dirt jumping for a while yet :lol:

Also James, my consolations about your finger, I hope its not long before you can shred again, and thanks for the kind word :)

AudioPhile777... :lol: If I'm gunna bail I may aswel go out with style.

Itsafugazzi... great story, and again way to do it in style :lol: Your right, everything is awkward, not looking forward to showering later haha. Its taken me forever to type this. Thanks for the kind words aswel :)

I´m so sorry to hear that! It´s certainly a drama, when this happens for guitarists.

James and Joe...your passion for the instrument will reach unexpected heights, when you touch your beloved guitar after the healing time :)

Best wishes for you!
Fuck that sucks dude. You too James.

Hard to occupy your time too... Watch some movies man and chill on the sofa for a bit. Hopefully in a few days the pain will subside enough for you to get out of the house - then my only recommendation would be to take it easy - dont' wanna fuck it up even worse.
punched a wall last year...
I really hate it that I have no x-ray picture of my arm.
Before my last surgery I asked them if I can get the steel from my arm, but they weren't allowed to give it to me because it was to sharp.
A friend of mine got a plate from his leg removed, gave it to a friend who's a goldsmith and he made a piercing out of it.
punched a wall last year...
very similar to my break... same finger even, but before the knuckle rather than after it. not as "metal" of a story though; didn't hit a wall, just hit the ground when i lost my balance while trying to get away from a wasp that had suddenly appeared dierctly in my face, lol.


mines identical to that, snapped clean in 2.

Today was good, went to the doctors and got some kind of uber pain killers, working nicely :)

Good god is showering a pain in the errr collar though.
