Broken arm story?


Capsicum Slave
Feb 19, 2003
The Land of TAXES [SWE]
Visit site
So wtf happened, know this is on topic but I am too fucking lazy to plow through the "on topic board", was there alcohol involved? On tour or off tour. Actually a link to thread or site would due!

And when is the new album due? With or without Roope? Is he a member now or what?

Oh and hi all, again.:D
He fell off a car or something like that... And the question about alcohol being involved sorta answeres itself IMO :D I don't remember where I read it though... Janne is quoted about it on SOB in the news from 26.12., but he doesn't say much about what really happened.
The release of the album has been postponed to 21.9., and as far as I know, it will be recorded with Roope. Member or not... nobody knows, I guess. And now, the weather. :D

Welcome back!
Ralf said:
shit mammoth I thought you were dead

Fucking MSN is disconnecting everytime someone replies? Thinking router problems but it could be software firewall as well, anyone have the same problem? And no not dead just a bit tired of the whole " I know best" scene growing on this forum as a whole. I'll PM you Ralf see if I can't get ICQ to work... That goes for the rest of you buttmonkeys too! See you in cyberville! ;)
Actually I asked the question in the Hellsinki thread;) -and Janne saw it and replied (Thx again dude).
Allu was drunk and fell off the roof of a car :p
Must have sucked for him not being able to play his guitar for several weeks, he must have felt frustrated and unhappy but yeah, you learn from your mistakes/deal with the consequences of your crazy drunken actions!;)