Broken Saints - the story

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
For those of you that are comic book/flash animation fans, you might be interested in this link...

As the title implies, there is a dark brooding/apocalyptic theme driving the storyline - not for happy go lucky types!

It is rather LONG (21 or so chapters so far), and each chapter takes 10-15 or so minutes to watch... I have watched eight chapters so far. There is an accompanying soundtrack, and there have been live performances of the music. There are also other goodies on the site as well. Very good artistry and interesting site/design skills at work here.

The pace is a little slow, but I'm hooked...
The Saints are at Sundance!!!

Broken Saints that is... the BS team is in Park City at the moment, and will be screening Broken Saints later in the week. Pretty good for an online comic...

You comic book fans should really check this out!