BROKEN SEPTEMBER: Female fronted melodic metal!!!!


New Metal Member
Jun 3, 2006
Just wanted to take a moment to tell you all about my new favorite band! They are newcomers to the music scene, but deserve some recognition.
Broken September is a really original band made up of two people, a female pianist and vocalist who is also the lyricist and a guitarist who also plays the bass, does the drums as well as all the mixing!
Their sound is very unique as a whole, each song on their upcoming album differs so much from the last. One may sound like and Irish ballad gone metal, while the next will sound very hard with deep melodic harmonies. The vocals are superb, and even though their recordings are not the final ones, the vocalist more than makes up for it with her intricate harmonies of 8 parts or more sometimes! And what's more.... she does all the parts HERSELF!!!!!!!!! WOW!!
The guitarist is amazing, quite the shredder, tears up the guitar with every rift! This band is worth a try because they are going to be BIG!!!
I have watched their myspace site grow steadily and VERY quickly over the past few weeks that I have become interested in them.
In less than a month they got over 8,000 listens on their music player!
What's more, this band is also spanning the world, as one member lives in the U.S. and the other in Switzerland.... which makes their stunning recordings even more amazing!
Like I said, very original stuff, worth the try, please don't take my word for it, check it out for yourselves! Click on the link below!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember, they are just getting started, but don't let that stop you, these people are going to be HUGE!!!

<a href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a>

And if you send them an e-mail, they will always reply, they don't take their fans lightly. They are some of the kindest musicians I have ever met in my life! Very down to earth and kind!