Brothers of Metal replace Unleash the Archers at PPUSA XXI


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
It is with somberness I must announce Unleash The Archers
will not be joining us in 2022. Please know that the move to June next year did not play a factor in their decision. I have every intention of bringing them back in the future in a higher slot with a longer set.

When one door closes, you bash the other one down with an axe, grab an ale, and know the Gods have smiled on us! Please raise your sword and welcome Brothers of metal official
to the roster.

A limited number of tickets for Days 3 & 4 are available here:
While I will miss seeing the lovely and talented Brittney Slayes with UTA (especially after their monster release from 2020), I will completely look forward to the new blood in Brothers of Metal. Great pick!
Sucks about Unleash the Archers. I was looking forward to seeing them again. Brothers of Metal look fun.