Bruce Campbell Rules


Much less calm than you
Sep 14, 2004
I received Bruce Campbell's autobiography If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor from my sister for my birthday. While it is not great literature by any stretch, I would suggest to any and all that it is worth reading. Aside from being hysterically funny in places it really gives some insight into Campbell's views on life at large which are frequently very refreshing. Campbell is a very intelligent and interesting guy. Frankly he is a man worth modeling in the way he has done what he wanted to do with his life and stuck to his guns no matter how much work he had to put in. Anybody else read it? Comments?
I haven't read it, i used to want to when i was obsessed with all things evil dead, and i still wouldn't mind reading it.
my favorite thing is how on the back of the vhs tape of ED2 there's a quote that says "The mother of all sequels"...expecting it to be a critic's quote, but no-it's Bruce Campbell.
When this first came out and Bruce was doing his tour in support of it I went to the University Bookstore to get his autograph. After 3 hours, and very little movement in the line I had to go to work. I heard later that some people waited 6 plus hours to meet him. I think I would have left even if I didn't have to go to work. It's a good read though.
Yeah the book is fantastic, I was particularly interested in the parts where he talks about all the improvised filming equipment they used to make evil dead. i.e the vas-o-cam