Bruce Dickinson is clumsy

Officer Nice

Oct 7, 2002
IRON MAIDEN singer Bruce Dickinson reportedly fell head-first from one of the higher set platforms close to bandmate Nicko McBrain's drumkit during MAIDEN's headlining performance at Universal Amphitheatre in Los Angeles Saturday (Jan. 31). "He seemed to be groggy for about a minute, lying on his back then rocking back and forth in pain, but as [guitarist] Janick [Gers] and some crew started to notice and went to help, he got up just in time for the verse 'as the guards march...] verse of 'Hallowed Be Thy Name'," according to a fan posting at

Hey, All you L.A. Thrashers like HL, did you see this?

In SF, on the BNW tour with Halford, 2 songs into Maidens set, Bruce
tripped over himself and did a faceplant into Nicko's riser and his
head almost went through a bass drum. It was hilarious.
Vic Rattlehead said:
I didn't know Bruce fell on the BNW tour. I just know Jannick fell off the stage on the BNW tour.
Fell=tripped over his feet running and did a faceplant.
Yep. I had 5th row seats off the center at Shoreline in Mountain View/SF
for Maiden/Halford. You're in Chicago though right?
You prolly won't have been at Shoreline (Snortline Amphetitheatre)
This actually happened on Friday night not Saturday. He explained what happened on Saturday night to everyone and said he had bruised ribs and was sore. On Saturday night at the beginning of their set some idiot threw ice on the stage and hit Bruce and he threatened to leave but then apologized during their encore. I don't think he had to apologize whatsoever. I heard the guy who threw the ice, however, got a beating before security took him away.
When i saw that stage and the different platforms on it, in New York, and Bruce was jumping around all over the stage like a mountain goat ( :lol: ) i thought about how well you have to know the stage in order not to fall from it....

ouch :(
i guess it doesnt matter.....!
Poor Bruce, im glad he is ok!
metalmaiden said:
I heard the guy who threw the ice, however, got a beating before security took him away.

haha :lol: serves him right :loco:

bad luck is chasing Iron Maiden..... first in NYC on Saturday some ass hole spilled beer on the amps, and they had to cancel the last part of the show,
then on Tuesday they had to cancel the whole gig due to a double booking to the venue....

and now this..........

damn... :erk:
OfficerNice said:
Fell=tripped over his feet running and did a faceplant.
Yep. I had 5th row seats off the center at Shoreline in Mountain View/SF
for Maiden/Halford. You're in Chicago though right?
You prolly won't have been at Shoreline (Snortline Amphetitheatre)
Yeah, that and I've never seen Iron Maiden anyway.
Vic Rattlehead said:
Yeah, that and I've never seen Iron Maiden anyway.
In which case, I recommend LIVE AFTER DEATH on Surround Sound.

Do you have it? Have you heard it?
i was there pretty close to the stage(pit area) and i didnt actually see that fall itself, but i saw where he was and where he ended up and it probably hurt. he didnt seem all too phased though, cause he finished hallowed be thy name with no problems